
Where occupy and tea overlap

(Graphic: Text by James Sinclair/Design by Ty Mortensen)

(Hat tip Susan Schuurman)

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Thanks annie!

I think both movements have some important things to say. I was walking past a Tea Party rally several years ago, and I found myself agreeing with some of the posters carried by participants–such as the one critical of TARP.

Now if only we could get the middle of America to come together!

so both ocuppy wall streeters and tea partiers see the corporate -government nexus as the problem, with the occupiers calling for less corporate and the tea partiers demanding less government power?

which side will prevail?

depends upon which side most inspires and captures the imagination of the american people

will it be the tea party with its shrink the government to a size that will fit in a bath tub?

or will it be the seemingly leaderless (yet with everyone a leader) occupy the world movement with its egalitarian pulse?

with the tea party’s path leading directly to the abyss (on account of perpetual war + global warming = doomsday), whereas, occupy the world opens the way towards peace on earth and goodwill to all living beings

which way will it go?

isn’t it up to us*?

*us, as in you are i, i am you, we are one

I don’t really know the tea-party thinking, but I’d assume (from Koch support) it is typical-Republican in that it objects to REGULATION and SOCIAL SPENDING.

If this is so, then it does NOT object to big-government where the “big” means corporate give-aways, tax-breaks, break-down-of-environmental-protections and the like. It does NOT object to big-military (enrichment of MIC, Blackwater, etc.). It does NOT object to “security-state”, “anti-terrorism-state”, diminution of civil liberties (“lock em up and throw away the key”, no trials, assassination perfectly OK, especially at those dratted OWS thingies, police brutality is great and justified by anything any low-level cop or civil-servant elects to describe as “terrorism”).

nice poster… i suppose the white area covers what the 2 party system is happy to continue… the usa needs another political party to represent the left side of this pic… they don’t have it… they have the one on the right, but not on the left..

It is a brilliant because it is so accurate. Chris Hedges has noted the Tea Party’s hatred of government and its search for scapegoats is all too reminiscent of fascism.