
‘The Forward’ embraces neoconservatives

This is shocking. A transformation is taking place inside Jewish life, all the sociologists say that young Jews are increasingly dissociated from Israel, and the Forward 50, its list of the most impactful (their word, I think) American Jews of the year includes no anti-Zionist– though certainly the great Tony Kushner has been a regular critic of Israel. But where are our leading liberal voices, the popular Cecilie Surasky, or Rebecca Vilkomerson? Richard Silverstein? Jerry Slater? Jeff Halper? Daniel Levy who dared to question the two-state solution at J Street?

I do see the great activist Michael Sussman on this list, but the list is notable for all its ultra-Zionists: Jennifer Laszlo-Mizrahi, David Yerushalmi, Jennifer Rubin, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Anthony Weiner, Sheldon Adelson, and William Kristol. Oh my god. You ask why neoconservatism is alive in our political culture, it is because allegedly progressive organizations in Jewish life continue to embrace them. And why do they embrace them? Because these neocons represent the hawkish response to the perceived threat to Israel. And out of community allegiance, liberals cowering in the cave will defer to them as tough realists. It is the same reason that the Reform Jewish biennial will feature Bill Kristol.

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You ask why neoconservatism is alive in our political culture, it is because allegedly progressive organizations in Jewish life continue to embrace them.

it is because they are so good at asking incisive questions.

American Jews of the year includes no anti-Zionist

only zionists allowed. remember when cecile surasky was dropped from that list.

I think there is information to you Phil, in this.

That is that I would conduct an assessment of your relative success in your effort to persuade American Jews to shift their understanding of the Israel/Palestine issue.

I would also review your relative success at the generational divide that you’ve written about hopefully, whether it is succeeding (happening and also implementing good things – succeeding), or less than that.

What about “blood ” thirsty Rachel Abrams?
She did not make the list?
I guess, she is a little to tough for them to swallow.

How about that terrorist Pamela Geller?
Or has the USA droned her yet?Ha.