
A humble shepherd is run off his grandfather’s grandfather’s land because of settlers’ ‘security’

Peter Beinart was motivated to cry out to Americans about the occupation when he saw a shocking video of a Palestinian being arrested at his farm near Hebron for insisting on his rights to village water.

Well it’s two years after that video. And here is another, from last month, shocking in its bald exposure of the humiliations of Palestinians, inflicted by Jewish soldiers acting in my name and Beinart’s name.

A shepherd with a crooked staff insists on his right to graze his sheep on village lands near the settlement of Otniel. He is accompanied by Israeli and international activists, god bless them. The soldiers run him off.

You will see the shepherd getting angry, as he should get angry, at about minute 3. The man has nobility. (He is facing the same blank authority that Jews faced in the Pale of Settlement)

You will see the officer explaining that the settlers fear terrorists at minute 7:30 or so. And this is why the shepherd must not come too close. On his village lands.

This is ethnic cleansing before your eyes. It is the reason that so many despair of Partition, it hasn’t worked. There is one authority between the river and the sea, and the battle is to give the subject people their rights.

From Ron, the Brit in the video, writing to his community back home:

“Last Saturday (March 10th) I was in the South Hebron hills again with
Ta’ayush (the Jewish/Arab Partnership). A large group of activists
went to the village of At-Tuwani but I was assigned to a group of four
which was sent to the tiny community of Um-el-Amad. Our task was to
accompany local Palestinian shepherds as they took their flocks to
graze on privately-owned Palestinian land.

Our presence there was asked for because earlier in the week two
shepherds had been kidnapped by the Israeli military, taken to the
nearby settlement of Ot’niel and beaten up. Their ‘crime’ ? – they
were too close to the settlement, even though they were on their own

The video was filmed by Ta’ayush activists.

Just by way of explanation, the Israeli soldiers appeared a short time
after we arrived at the grazing areas, alerted by the settlement
security officer. The senior soldier was very aggressive and when the
shepherd refused to leave his land he told us we were detained. He was
obviously eager to arrest us, but only the police can arrest Israeli
citizens and internationals.

He then phoned the Israeli police who arrived 15 minutes later. The
senior police officer was much more reasonable, aware no doubt that we
were on privately-owned Palestinian land and there quite legally. (I
guess that he thought the idea of arresting us would mean lots of
paperwork for no real reason.) At one point he took the aggressive
soldier to one side ,arm round his shoulder. Shortly afterwards the
soldiers left , disconsolately, only to be replaced a few minutes
later by two more, one of whom was a more senior officer.

The officer asked us to move 100 metres away from the settlement
perimeter, explaining that his soldiers couldn’t see us from the
watchtower ! As we were on Palestinian land and no security threat, we
refused. He then left the scene as did the police. Our unjustified
detention was over.

It  was a small victory but without the presence of Ta’ayush, I
suspect the shepherds would have been expelled from their own land.”

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Jesus had a parable in the Bible where he compared himself to a Jewish soldier with an M16. In it he said that god is like a settler who tends to his paranoia.

Moses came down from the mountain of Sinai with 2 commandments

Take the land
Forget everything else to do with morality

“A shepherd with a crooked staff ”
Pure orientalism.

OT, interesting paragraph from Jennifer Nelson, The Role the Dutch Reformed Church Played in the Rise and Fall of Apartheid:

The history of the Dutch settlers (later to become the Afrikaners), bound to their strong Calvinistic beliefs, became the cornerstone of white South African history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Great Trek (the emigration from the Eastern Cape Colony into the interior of Southern Africa by some 12,000 to 14,000 Dutch-speaking farmers between 1834 and the early 1840s) is regarded by Afrikaners as a central event of their history and the origin of their nationhood. It was during The Great Trek that the Afrikaans language and their unique culture developed. It was during this period that the Afrikaners’ attitude toward the British hardened and the Afrikaner philosophy of apartheid (separateness) was formulated. It was during The Great Trek that the Afrikaners came to believe that they were a “chosen race” and that it was their “manifest destiny” to populate the areas north of the Orange River.

If I understand him correctly, Peter Beinart is calling for a boycott of products made in the Occupied Territories in a new interview with the German magazine Stern: “Grass untergräbt seine Argumente” [“Grass Undermines His Own Arguments”]:

Siedlungspolitik bedroht Israel mehr als der Iran [The settler policy threatens Israel more than Iran does]

Die Bedrohung durch den Iran hält Beinart nicht für zentral. Für ihn ist die Siedlungspolitik das entscheidende Manko. Daher fordert Beinart im Interview mit dem stern, dass Produkte aus den jüdischen Siedlungen im besetzten Westjordanland in deutschen Supermärkten besonders gekennzeichnet werden sollten. “Ich will, dass die Leute anstelle von Produkten aus den Siedlungen Produkte kaufen, die in Israel hergestellt wurden”, so Beinart. Mit seinem Aufruf zum Siedlungs-Boykott will er eine Debatte über die Politik der israelischen Re-gierung anstoßen, “Juden zu subventionieren, damit sie ins Westjordanland ziehen.” [Beinart does not regard the threat from Iran as central. For him the settler policy is that decisive deficiency. Therefore Beinart in his interview with stern demands that products from Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank be specially marked in German supermarkets. “I want people to buy products made in Israel, rather than in the settlements.” With his call for a settlement boycott he wants to provoke a debate over the policy of the Israeli government that subsidizes Jews who move into the West Bank.]

Israeli’s doing this in my name. All of our names and with US taxpayer money. Our dear friend Art Gish lived with Palestinian shepherds year after year for close to two decades. Writing about the stories and Israeli soldiers he went up against. Too bad some people have to see this Israeli brutality and humiliation of the Palestinians to believe it has been going on for decades. But as I have said before better late than never. Better late than never. Call your Reps demand that aid to Israel be completely cut off. They need to hear from you

“It was a small victory but without the presence of Ta’ayush, I
suspect the shepherds would have been expelled from their own land.”

No doubt

Art/Palestinian Shepherds

CPT and the Palestinian shepherds