
Marc Ellis speaks out

Marc Ellis has broken his silence on the disciplinary proceedings he faces at Baylor University.  For more on his case see this.

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when he said the administration had unlimited funds all i could think of was the millions a vindictive ken starr spent once before.

good luck Marc Ellis

For those without speakers on their computer– this video has no news in it.

Marc Ellis basically tries to reveal what he can while honoring the confidentiality rules of Baylor. So he can’t really say anything.

We knew he was being railroaded because he’s for the liberation of Palestine. This video basically reinforces that conclusion. But there’s no real news in it.

Seeing Marc Ellis silenced is not a pretty thing. Getting beaten down by those who hold power over you isn’t conducive to good activism. You basically surround yourself with lawyers, narrow your scope of vision, and put duct tape on your mouth.

Seeing Joseph Massad hunted for years was most unpretty. He survived. But he’s not all over The Nation magazine, all over the New York Review of Books, like Edward Said was. He seems tucked away, out of the public view. Too bad.

Seeing Finkelstein go through the same kind of administrative lynching was also not pretty. And he didn’t emerge from it as a better activist. He got narrower. Now he’s ridiculing BDS.

Try to keep your voice raised for Palestine, for BDS, out in public. Don’t get strangled in administrative hell.

Please “Like” Marc Ellis’ Facebook page.
Marc H. Ellis –

This is a very, very strange story. But interesting man it seems, I missed his contributions here.