MJ Rosenberg is leaving ‘Media Matters’ to start his own blog

MJ pic
MJ Rosenberg

MJ Rosenberg has just announced that he is leaving Media Matters to publish his own blog. I can’t wait to read his blog. Rosenberg is a great journalist, he’s been a leading opponent of war on Iran, he’s had a stirring career breaking with community norms on the Israel lobby, he’s a leader to countless other journalists. Oh and he stuck to his guns on “Israel firster,” and then retired the term…

And as for the politics of this move, well… what can you say? This move obviously has something to do with the smear campaign launched by neocon Josh Block. Since he waged it, Zaid Jilani has left Center for American Progress, a post at CAP was amended to reflect The Approved Truth, and now MJ Rosenberg is starting his own site. It’s like that old saying: If the kitchen’s on fire, get out of the kitchen.

As for the politics of this: I can’t wait to hear MJ Rosenberg, at his own blog! Godspeed MJ.

This is my last column for Media Matters. As of Monday, I’m striking out on my own with a brand new website and blog: MJayRosenberg.com.

The reason for this step is that it disturbed me greatly to see an organization to which I am devoted facing possible harm because of my critical writings about Israel. I have no doubt that the crowd that opposes any and all criticism of Israeli government policies will continue to turn its guns on Media Matters if I am associated with it.

I could not live with myself if that happened — not only because I care deeply about the organization and my colleagues, but also because Media Matters does such important work confronting the lies that emanate from the far right and especially Fox News.

My presence here is being used in an effort to shut Media Matters up. That won’t happen, of course…

Richard Nixon famously said to the press after his failed attempt to become governor of California, “just think how much you’re going to be missing. You don’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.” I, however, will most definitely be around. More than ever.

The blog goes “live” tonight!

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Is this a break with the “official left” aka the Democratic Party? Man, that would be GRRRREAT!!

MJ Rosenberg’s piece on Huffington Post from a few days ago about Peter Beinart’s book, Why Peter Beinart’s Book Is Driving the “Pro-Israel” Establishment Crazy, has a title “THE BLOG (Featuring fresh takes and real-time analysis from HuffPost’s signature lineup of contributors)” at the top of the page. Is there any connection between this piece, the Huffington Post, and Rosenberg’s new blog?

we love you MJ!

I expect the Douche to chalk this up as his win….
Until MJ’s blog gets a bigger and Bigger and BIGGER following. And increasing influence.

Congrats to MJay on the new blog i hope you achieve what you are setting out to do.

“They need us to tell them that we know exactly what is going on. That is what the neocons are so afraid of. That is why they went ballistic over “Israel Firster.””

As best i can tell the term Israel firster gets the message out faster and more clearly than any other means which is why MJ recognizes that the neocons are so afraid of it, because it tells Americans “exactly what is going on”.

Don’t try to rediscover the wheel MJ, you hit the nail right on the head and the nail screamed a big ouch, push these guys back relentlessly like they do when they have the upper hand, this is a really tough crowd with tons of resources, and by that i do not just mean finances, facts on the ground can be created to foment the passions into backing them before you can say jump down turn around pick a bail of cotton.

I believe it is a big mistake to keep “Israel firster” in retirement.
For the sake of expediency bring it out of retirement, the best offense is a good offense.