Biden meets major Israel lobby group at White House

Move along now. Nothin goin on here. From Zeke Miller at Buzzfeed Politics, yesterday:

WH: Biden met today at the White House with representatives of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

And here is MJ Rosenberg saying that the three black politicians who lately broke with Obama, notably Cory Booker, all have goldplated Israel lobby connections. His analysis:

“[Alabama Rep. Artur] Davis… received 76 percent of his 2002 contributions from outside Alabama and largely from New York City… ‘I have never accepted money from AIPAC,’ Davis said, ‘My relationship has been with donors who are members of AIPAC.’”

[Harold] Ford is not a creature of AIPAC but of right-wing Democrats in general. See this story on how he tried to depose Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi in 2009 for being too liberal. However, his ties to the AIPAC crowd were demonstrated after he lost his bid for a senate seat and chose, as his next career move, the chairmanship of the Democratic Leadership Council — the now defunct group whose raison d’etre can be summed up in the banner: pro-Likud, pro-big business. It’s marquee figure was Joe Lieberman. And its marquee issue was supporting the Iraq war.

The bottom line is that Booker, [Artur] Davis and Ford are Democrats with an asterisk. And the asterisk is AIPAC. That is why it is those three who are attacking Obama while every member of the House Black Caucus  are out there backing Obama with all they have.

So what does their defection mean? Only that these are three ambitious guys who have sized up the political landscape and decided to stick with the guys who brought them to the party.

This is the sort of reporting I’ve always wanted, someone pushing the idea that the lobby is a central force in our politics, a ridgeline, and making that case. That is my belief, that George H.W. Bush lost his job in part because of the lobby and Bill Clinton got his in part through the lobby and George W. Bush learned the lesson and Obama is now learning it. But no one’s really connected the dots, let alone established the facts.

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MAJO appear to be losing their mojo

The video is very interesting. Norm from Coney Island really grinds the borg into the dust.

A bigger reason Bush père lost his job was that the plutocrats saw that he could not get the Democratic Congress to accept NAFTA but believed Bill Clinton could. And events proved them right in that belief.

Similarly, the Republicans lost the White House in 2008 after W. proved unable to privatize Social Security. And I think that is the task the plutocrats thought Obama would be able to achieve and that that is a big reason why they donated so much money to his 2008 campaign. Although another, possible even bigger reason was that they wanted someone on whom they could rely in the White House after the 2008-9 financial collapse, which a lot of them presumably saw coming, and not another FDR who would launch a new New Deal.

Of course, a lot of the plutocrats are also supporters of Zionism.

And on the White House Web site: Readout of the Vice President’s Meeting with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations:

Vice President Biden met today at the White House with representatives of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. The Vice President addressed the Obama Administration’s unprecedented support for Israel’s security; our steadfast opposition to any attempts to delegitimize Israel; and our commitment to a lasting, secure peace that is in the interest of Israelis, Palestinians and the United States. The Vice President also discussed a range of regional issues, including Iran. The Vice President praised attendees for their support of a strong relationship between the United States and Israel and the broad range of policy, charitable and intellectual pursuits in which they are engaged.

“. That is my belief, that George H.W. Bush lost his job in part because of the lobby” have heard this said many times.

I think many have connected the dots

So amazing to think how powerful Aipac still continues to be after their two top officials were caught red handed accessing highly classified US intelligence and passing that classified intelligence over to Israeli officials…but of course the case was dismissed. Undermine US national security again and nothing happens again