
Help replace @WelshinGaza’s camera destroyed by the Israeli navy

On Monday, we published a harrowing account from @WelshinGaza about their standoff with the Israeli navy off the coast of Gaza. During the encounter, Welsh’s camera was destroyed by a stream of water the navy shot at the human rights observation boat Welsh was traveling on.

Now, Mosa’ab Elshamy has kicked off a fundraising drive to buy @WelshinGaza a new camera, so Welsh can continue documenting life in Gaza. From a fundraising website:

Replace Welshy’s drowned camera

Help replace @WelshInGaza’s camera, which the Israeli navy destroyed when they attacked Welshy’s human rights boat with water cannons.

I want to raise $1140 to buy @WelshInGaza a new camera after nasty Israeli navy officers drowned Welshy’s camera in seawater on 13 June. You can read about the attack on the Mondoweiss link at the bottom left-hand side of this page. They fired high-powered water cannons at the boat and Welshy’s face and camera while the boat’s crew was monitoring human rights for Gaza’s fishermen. According to Welshy, the camera is unfixable as the salt water fried its electrics. With your help, I want to buy Welshy a Canon 600D which is exactly the same as the one which the Israeli navy destroyed. Please give whatever you can, we can make it to the full amount, and with any luck raise a few dollars more to buy Welshy a warranty to cover attacks by pirates! Alternatively you can contact Welshy directly on welshingaza (at) gmail . com

Give what you can here, and you can follow @WelshinGaza (aka “Welshy”) on twitter here.

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Why not sue the Israeli Navy for the cost of it! Then perhaps they will think twice about doing the same in future.


I agree completely.

Being in a small boat inside the Oslo agreed 20nm limit is entirely within the law (even Israel’s military law).
Every time:
a house is demolished in the Occupied territories,
a square metre of land stolen,
a water tank damaged,
solar panel smashed,
olive tree uprooted,
mosque vandalised,
the Palestinians should take the perpetrator to court.

Israel would do the same thing.
Use the the law to obtain natural justice.

A thousand law suits a week.

The boat trip was a blatant provocation and the Israeli Navy acted with restraint.