
What was Sheldon Adelson’s one question to Romney before giving him $10 million?

From the Wall Street Journal’s political blog. Sheldon Adelson is giving Mitt Romney’s super PAC $10 million. Emphasis mine:

On a trip to Las Vegas late last month, Mr. Romney and Mr. Adelson had a private meeting….

People close to Mr. Adelson said that he wants to be certain about Mr. Romney’s positions on key issues, including support for Israel against aggressors in the Middle East. Mr. Adelson has publicly criticized President Barack Obama’s support of Israel as too weak.

We can be sure that Adelson also demanded Romney’s support for settlements and an undivided Jerusalem, given Adelson’s passion on those issues.

More questions, following from the headline:

Do you think this money will have any effect on Romney’s positions? Did Adelson’s generosity to George W. Bush in the runup to his election in 2000 have anything to do with the accession of the neocons into his administration and the abandonment of the “peace process”? Do you think Romney’s positioning will affect Obama’s positioning? Would Romney’s position on abortion affect Obama’s positioning? If this foreign policy case and abortion case are different, why are they different?

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We can’t make another mistake like the Iraq War.

This week marked the ninth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, and we once again see dangerous momentum for another irresponsible, unnecessary and costly war — this time with Iran


With Max Boot and Kagan on Romney’s foreign policy team who would need to even ask that question?

OT, Report slams Israeli PM over deadly flotilla raid:

The Israeli PM has come under criticism for his mal-management of a deadly raid on a Turkish flotilla in breach of the Gaza blockade in 2010. A new report claims Benjamin Netanyahu failed to follow protocol that could have averted the bloodshed.

State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss has released a long-awaited report regarding the political wrangling that eventually led to the raiding of Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara in 2010.

The decision-making process that led to the Israeli raiding of a Turkish ship in breach of the Gaza blockade was a shambles according to the report.

. . .

The report describes how no official cabinet meeting was called during the run-up to the deadly raid. Instead, PM Netanyahu, contrary to protocol, called private meetings with the defense and foreign ministers that were not documented.

Phillip Weiss asks
Do you think this money will have any effect on Romney’s positions? Did Adelson’s generosity to George W. Bush in the runup to his election in 2000 have anything to do with the accession of the neocons into his administration and the abandonment of the “peace process”? Do you think Romney’s positioning will affect Obama’s positioning? Would Romney’s position on abortion affect Obama’s positioning?

A:Nope, not at all, why would anyone expect Mr Adelson to freely give away money with no strings attached, it would not be a good use of his money and very wasteful.

Q: If this foreign policy case and abortion case are different, why are they different?

A: Because the msm press is not allowed to tell the american people about this power paradigm.

Q: Is there any evidence that the msm press is not allowed to tell the american people about this power paradigm which can be directly tied to an Israel firster mindeset.

A: ?

Can we build a case and amass a body of an absence of evidence that may be construed as evidence?

How nice! We are governed by prostitutes and whores who would sell us down the river for a seat in power.

We need to find some way to galvanize the brewing rage in our nation and channel it towards destroying the bastions of zionist power that have overcome us. I take solace in the fact that the situation is unstable and cannot continue for long. Will I live long enough to see that day?