
Dust-sized speck of polonium is lethal

There are plans to exhume Arafat’s body to investigate the polonium-poisoning assertion from a Swiss lab:

The Palestinian Authority agreed on Wednesday to the exhumation of Yasser Arafat’s body after new allegations that he was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium-210 in 2004.

Ali Abunimah reports that Josh Block, the Israel lobbyist linked to AIPAC, is tweeting “junk” rumors that Arafat was gay and died of AIDS:

While Israel markets itself as the most gay-friendly country in the world, its PR hacks are busy reviving homophobic rumors that Arafat was a gay “sexual deviant” who died of AIDS due to his promiscuity.

Paul Woodward reports on the effects of Polonium poisoning.

Following Al Jazeera‘s report that Yasser Arafat may have been killed by polonium poisoning, I thought it was worth reviewing some of the scientific literature on this subject.

In the World Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2007, Vol 6, Number 2, p. 102-106, Alan C Perkins, Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Nottingham, describes the effects on ingesting polonium-210:

“Human data on the biological effects of Po-210 are limited (2,3). There are a few recorded events implicating the toxic nature of polonium poisoning starting with the death of Nobus Yamada in 1927 after working with polonium in Marie Curie’s lab. Irene Curie died of leukaemia in 1956. During World War II Dr Robert Fink of the University of Rochester gave Po-210 water to a patient with myeloid leukaemia and 4 others as part of a medical experiment. The cancer patient died the other 5 individuals survived. In the years following the Second World War physicist Dror Sedah working with Po-210 on Israel’s nuclear program reported widespread contamination on everything he touched in his lab and his home. One of his students subsequently died of leukaemia. There is one reported case of a Russian male worker who accidentally inhaled an aerosol estimated to contain approximately 530MBq of Po-210. The total retention was estimated as being approximately 100MBq, with 13.3MBq in the lungs,4.5MBq in the kidneys and 21MBq in the liver. At the time of admission to hospital 2 to 3 days after ingestion the patient had a fever and severe vomiting, but no diarrhea. He died after 13 days. Anyone receiving such doses would show symptoms of acute radiation sickness syndrome with bone marrow failure. About 5% of Po-210 reaching the blood will be deposited in the bones. Subsequent damage to the liver and kidneys will contribute to death from multiple organ failure. Remedial medical treatment strategies are considered to be unsuccessful within a few hours of ingestion, once significant amounts of Po-210 have entered the blood stream and deposited in tissues.

“Weight for weight Po-210 is a million times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. A microgram, (no larger than a speck of dust), would deliver a fatal dose of radiation. The maximum safe body burden of Po-210 is only seven picograms. Following ingestion Po-210 has a biological half-life of 50 days. Approximately 10% is absorbed from the gut into the blood. Once within the bloodstream it is rapidly deposited in major organs and tissues including the liver, kidneys and bone marrow as well as the skin and hair follicles (Figure 2). Approximately 5% is deposited in bone. The intense alpha radiation within these tissues results in massive destruction of cells, leading to a rapid decline in health. Animal studies have shown that 0.1-0.3GBq or greater of Po-210 absorbed into the blood of an adult male is likely to be fatal within 1 month (2). This corresponds to ingestion of 1-3GBq or greater assuming 10% gastrointestinal absorption to blood. Remedial medical treatments are considered unhelpful within a few hours following ingestion!”

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Josh Block, the Israel lobbyist linked to AIPAC, is tweeting “junk” rumors that Arafat was gay and died of AIDS:

they did this after he died. i recall weird pedophile rumors too. it’s sexual gutter hasbara. extreme zionist hasbrats have an obsession with homosexuality, pedophilia and beastiality.

josh block lusts after poodles and baby lambs. can i say that? lol, he deserves it. i think i am going to go tweet it.

The effects of Polonium ingestion described by Dr. Perkins are remarkably similar to what Arafat was said to have endured in his last two weeks. A detailed account of Arafat’s death was published by Haaretz in 2005. What is notable is that Arafat’s doctors at a French military hospital noted the collapse of his platelet count, followed by liver failure.

Keep in mind that Polonium-210 can only be made in a nuclear reactor, and is most efficiently produced in a heavy water reactor (which is what Dimona is).

[Why was it missed by hospital technicians?]

Ingesting Just one microgram is fatal – and becasue it only emits very shallow penetrating alpha particles, it is very hard to detect even as the person is dying from the alpha bombardment of their organ and marrow cells – the symptoms of such being very nonspecific and ambiguous. Thus, if handled with extreme care so that the poisoner does not himself become poisoned, it is the perfect tool of the cloak-and-dagger trade.

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Israel At Its Finest: Mossad Poisoned Yasser Arafat with Polonium

no one was sorry to see Arafat taken off the world stage – whether by natural causes or assassination – and now it looks like what a lot of us thought – israel killed him … but how many weeks was it after Sharon said “We … control America” and he slipped into that coma? … heinous leaders are a dime-a-dozen and if you don’t play ball, you get taken out