
Anti-Iran street theater group denies it has Israel agenda. Wait a second–

I ran into this Ahmadinejad puppet near the U.N. yesterday. And I hadn’t heard of the group, Iran 180. You can see that the spokesperson for the group there says there’s no Israel angle to Iran 180, all it cares about is “human rights.” She handed me a card (image below).

iran180 card
iran180 card

But Benjamin Doherty has done a number of posts at Electronic Intifida identifying Iran 180 as a pro-Israel astroturfing organization. And here the Jewish Council for Public Affairs states that the Jewish Community Relations Council started the group.

And Thunder 11, a pr group, has taken credit for Iran 180; and Doherty says that its head is an Israel lobbyist in the US and an adviser to Israeli politicians.

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Be fair. All Zionists must lie all the time. Did the woman you spoke to really have a choice?

“Human rights”? Is she that sassan character in the flesh? I would have retorted “but what about “basic human rights” for the oppressed Palestinians?!” and watched her jaw hit the floor.

Argh, too much information too little time phil. i suggest you checkout this awesome article on iran 180 (excellent graphics too). you’ll recognize the journalist, she’s a pro:

PR executive Marco Greenberg was dressed in denim and a button-down that peekabooed his chest hair as he told a group of eager hasbara-ites, “we do want to propagate. We have an agenda. We have a mission. We have an objective. We want to make Israel look good, not bad. That’s our goal.” Then pointing to the suaveness of his clothes as example, the marketing savant presented his blueprint for how to sell “Israel like a deodorant,” pointing out the Jewish state “actually is a product.“


I am not sure this is relevant to that demonstration against Ahmadinejad at the UN today is relevant but this showed up at counterpunch:

It does sound similar.

I would have asked her why Saudi Arabia is not included. Women can’t drive in Saudi Arabia, must go out in public with a male escort, I’ve heard, and in general I suspect life there for women and gays, is far more oppressive, and yet, not a peep do we hear about the Saudis. Me wonders why the silly twit shown above, ignores them?