
Rightwing Israeli politician plans US tour to attack Obama for lack of leadership re Iran

Yet another effort by Israeli rightwingers to affect the U.S. political discourse. This is a press release from Ronn Torossian, a New York pr guy who represents ultra-Zionists and settlers:


Danny Danon, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, a Knesset member of the ruling Likud Party, and a Knesset member is available for interview on Iran & Israel.  He will be in the US from September 6-13 for meetings with American politicians, journalists and others. 

…He will be in Dallas September 6, NY September 7-9, Washington DC September 10-11, and NYC Sept. 12 & 13.

Danon is known as one of Israel’s foremost spokespersons, and has released a new book, “Israel: The Will to Prevail” [notice that the cover image of the book has the American and Israeli flags on it] which is harshly critical of President Obama.

 Danon says: “We see a lot of talk, a lot of declarations from Washington, but no leadership.  These sanctions are too little, too late.  If anything, the words from Washington have emboldened Iran to accelerate its engine of development for getting bombs. Israel can only rely on itself for protection…  We love the United States , but it is a big country and can possibly tolerate the idea of a nuclear armed Iran .  We are small, we cannot afford to make a mistake, the crucial decisions for our survival are up to us.  If Iran got nuclear weapons, it would be very difficult for Israel to survive.” 

He can also discuss what happens if the Palestinians unilaterally seek statehood. Danon asks: “why do we always need to react to Palestinian initiatives by begging for mercy? We need to say clearly that if they want to start a one-sided process, we’ll answer them in their own language. They want to drag us into responding, but we need to lead.”

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One can easily envision a day in which extremists like Danny Danon are branded as enemies of the United States.

It is a political mistake for high-profile Israeli leaders to attack a sitting American president from within the United States. In fact, it is a mad enterprise.

Hey — but what do I know? I don’t have a direct pipeline to G-d.

It is good to be reminded that most of the Israeli national security establishment — as well as most Israelis — strongly oppose an Israeli attack on Iran.

But the Iran War lobby is almost entirely being led by Israelis and pro-Israel activists and militants who are in direct and increasingly vicious conflict with the American national security establishment.

these people just cant help themselves can they….

attack attack…

obama gets re=elected…israel may be in for one big shock

by the by nice little war going on right now 12:45 pm cst on yahoo boards…regards isreal vs USA…..think usa is winning

Israeli officials play down report of Iran-U.S. deal

comment indieman
Hey all you Obama bashers, 70% of the people in Israel do not want to take military action against Iran yet either.

If Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians express the Will to Prevail, then their apparent success must necessarily express the Triumph of the Will.

I can’t find the press release on line–did Ronn Torossian delete it?

the ultra-right in israel are doing our work for us – they are dividing and conquering themselves … cleave baby, cleave … stand out as the crazies you are so the rest of us, the sane world, can find leaders in israel we can work with along rational lines and realistic and worthy goals