
Apartheid? Don’t be silly

From Scott Roth’s twitter feed: “I took this two weeks ago [in the West Bank]. Apartheid? Don’t be silly!” Area A makes up 3 percent of the West Bank. Israelis can come and go anywhere else they please elsewhere in the military-occupied territory.

West Bank separation warning
West Bank separation warning

Update: I added the word “elsewhere” above to remedy commenter’s confusion.

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This doesn’t have that great of effect visually. The apartheid in Palestine primarily consists of the residency and movement restrictions imposed upon Palestinians not those imposed upon Israelis. It would be like seeing a sign in South Africa stating, “Territory of Transkei Ahead. No Entry for Whites. Entry Illegal by South African Law.” The few restrictions on the Herrenvolk really are not what makes apartheid in either case offensive. It is the massive restrictions on the lives of the indigenous majority that is offensive.

There is no entry for the Israelis to Area A. Perhaps you would like to rephrase the post.

Actually, not. I assume you consider the entire west bank occupied territory that should not be entered by civilians. Thus this sign located by Area A is only wrong insofar as it is not located at the edge of 67 israel, in which case you would find nothing wrong with it.

Is is just me or with this E1 East Jerusalem grab did everybody just see Israel officially commit to the One State?

Israel is ALL IN – this is has tremendously clarified and organized the battlefield for the rest of the Anti-Apartheid world

Arab israeli is a nonsense . There are just 2 classifications that matter in terms of rights. Jew and Palestinian.