
Counting the Gaza Dead: False equivalences, distorted dichotomies

Gaza deaths
Click image to make larger. (Image: Visualizing Palestine)

According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, as of November 22nd, the number of deaths in the Gaza Strip due to Israel’s 8-day Pillar of Defense military onslaught there is 158.  As during the brutal Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09, wherein Israel massacred over 1400 Palestinians in Gaza, concerned spectators – and Gazans themselves – watched with sour stomachs and furrowed brows to see just how far Israel would go this time: how many civilians it would kill, how many homes it would demolish, how many roads, hospitals, schools, and mosques it would destroy, how many traumatized, devastated survivors it would leave behind in its bloody wake.

One rudimentary measure of the destruction of any war is casualty numbers – answering the question, how many dead?  Media coverage typically reports Israeli and Palestinian casualty figures together, misleadingly suggesting an equality between them in either suffering or culpability.  Judged by these fatality numbers alone, however, Palestinian suffering is vastly greater:  approximately 158:5 times greater in this particular invasion, and 1417:14 times greater during Cast Lead.  (Visualizing Palestine has just released an astonishing graphic timeline of these ghastly disproportions.) 

Neither is culpability for this conflict equal.  The Gaza Strip remains under Israeli occupation (despite Israel’s 2005 “disengagement”) and has been under unrelenting siege since 2006.  Rockets fired by Hamas are neither terrorist attacks nor unprovoked acts of war.  They are acts of resistance against an obdurate, occupying power.

A protester in Harvard Yard. (Photo: Alex Shams)

There is another problem in the standard reporting of casualties in addition to the false equivalence problem.  This is the gender problem, wherein Palestinian casualties are repeatedly disaggregated by sex.  As with the deaths of children and old people – obviously civilians and thus impossible to construe as legitimate military targets – so, too, the deaths of women are cited as evidence that Israel targets non-combatants.  This is likely done to underscore the viciousness of Israeli incursions by highlighting the innocence of Israel’s victims.

Aside from the fact that Israel’s targeting of civilians is well-documented, there are other problems with this otherwise well-intentioned form of casualty documentation.

First, disaggregating casualties by gender suggests that women, by definition, are not or cannot be freedom fighters.  This is patently false.

Second, disaggregating casualties by gender suggests that women’s deaths are more offensive or tragic than men’s. This is perhaps because of women’s presumed “innocence” (i.e., they are not resistance fighters), or because women (like children) are more vulnerable and therefore their murder is especially egregious, or because women are the bearers of children and so their murder is especially damaging to families or communities.  However, it is long past time to dispose of the mythology of women as “the weaker sex,” a canard we make true in part through our faithful repetition of it.  And valuing women because of their potential for pregnancy is a false flattery that reduces women to female biology and women’s importance to maternity.  (Not only are men also potential parents, but they are never reduced to this biological capacity when their deaths are catalogued.)  Indeed, imagining women as only or particularly mothers marks a shared politics with those on the Right who seek to outlaw abortion, birth control, and solo motherhood.

Third, disaggregating casualties by gender naturalizes men’s deaths, suggesting that men are the obvious targets of war and its inevitable casualties.  Men thereby become less grievable and warfare more normalized.  Under certain circumstances, men’s deaths are even honored or celebrated based on notions of duty, patriotism, or other forms of self-sacrifice deemed admirable within militarist norms. Presumably, however, we do not celebrate any death from war, just as we do not wish to normalize warfare or reproduce militarism.  We therefore must remember that men’s deaths in war are offensive, tragic, and grievable—just as much as, and no more than, women’s.

Finally, disaggregating casualties by gender reinforces gender binarism and suggests that, to be human, and therefore to have a properly grievable death, one must be clearly determinable as a man or a woman. Feminist and cultural critics have long established that clear and determinate gender is essential to rendering us human to other people.  Without a distinct gender, we remain unintelligible, not fully human, and therefore more easily ridiculed, brutalized, and killed.  The case of Tyra Hunter illustrates this – a woman whom emergency medical personnel allowed to die in the streets of Washington, D.C. when they cut off her clothes to treat her injuries and discovered her penis.  By insisting that the dead be gendered, we reinforce the belief that only the properly gendered are truly human.

We would do well to leave behind both false equivalences and distorted dichotomies as we bear witness to the suffering and brutalization of the people of Gaza.  This oppression is an offense to justice, regardless of anyone’s gender.  We need not seek yet more reasons to condemn Israel’s massacres of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.  The massacres themselves are bad enough.

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Well, maybe you don’t like gender separation, but another way of highlighting the indifference and callousness of Israel towards the people it kills and injures is to look at how many children, who are presumably wholly innocent, are affected.

One third of those killed and injured are younger than 18, so just remind us how ‘surgical’ those strikes are, which Israelis constantly propagandise about, as if that lets them off the hook.

“another way of highlighting the indifference and callousness of Israel towards the people it kills and injures is to look at how many children, who are presumably wholly innocent, are affected.”

Singling out Israel is anti-semitic, isn’t it? In my view, the tiresome moral outrage of Americans, Jewish or not, about the allegedly singular callousness of Israel/Israelis killing innocent children is nothing but projection and deflection, and especially rife among American liberals. They can’t do a damn thing about their country behaving worse than Israel, no matter for whom they vote, so they are pointing fingers at Israel, demanding, absurdly, that Obama must get Israel in line with ‘American values’, liberal values, Christian values, international law, and what not. I hate to burst your bubble, and you can shoot the messenger as long and hard as you want, but Israel has always been in line with what the US has very consistently PRACTISED, not PREACHED, for the past 2 centuries and longer:

“In responding to the current attack, Arthur Silber also points to this this deeper look (from the 2009 slaughter in Gaza) at the template behind these spasms of atrocity — a template much used not only by the “light unto the nations” but also “the shining city on the hill”:

For a very long time, the United States government has specialized in the pattern pursued by Israel. The vastly more powerful nation wishes to act on a certain policy — almost always territorial expansion, for purposes of access to resources, or to force itself into new markets, or to pursue the evil notion that economic and ideological success depend on brutality and conquest — but a specifically moral justification for its planned actions does not lie easily to hand.

So the powerful nation embarks on a course designed to make life intolerable for the country and/or those people that stand in its way. The more powerful nation is confident that, given sufficient time and sufficient provocation, the weaker country and people will finally do something that the actual aggressor can seize on as a pretext for the policy upon which it had already decided. In this way, what then unfolds becomes the victim’s fault.

And so it goes, and on it goes: the curse of violence, hatred, estrangement, fear. Madness snaking in and out of the only place where the universe is: in the electrics of our brains.”

Those whose brains are on fire about the slaughter of innocent children in Gaza by a right-wing ‘racist’ Israeli government should take a close look at this child killed in the vast and ever expanding area of Droneland by the recently re-elected liberal ‘non-racist’ US government: