
Obama gets backup from broad center-left group to defy neocons and nominate Hagel

Centrists and liberals are trying to buck up Barack Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel for secretary of Defense in defiance of the rightwing Israel lobby.

Last night to try and give the parsimonious president some political capital, Chris Matthews described the anti-Hagel camp as a small group of warmongering neocons and cited the many ambassadors supporting Hagel before hosting two Hagel backers, Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. Matthews used Milbank, who is Jewish (and who listens to his Israeli au pair for political wisdom), to protect Hagel from his statement to Aaron David Miller that the “Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people” on Capitol Hill (which I was the first to report more than four years ago).

Meantime, many others have joined in in this neocon donnybrook. The most important below are Ambassador Nicholas Burns and Jeffrey Goldberg. Both are weathervaners, and Obama believes that Goldberg leads a good slice of the lobby, and he’s probably right.

Robert Wright performs a wrapup of those who have supported Hagel (and p.s., you should read his post for a defense of a single democracy from river to sea):

Already, Hagel has been defended by a strikingly diverse array of voices, including… Dana Milbank of the Washington Post; John Judis of The New Republic; Andrew Sullivan of the Daily Beast; Scott McConnell and Daniel Larison of The American Conservative; the progressive pro-Israel group J Street; the Center for American Progress blog ThinkProgress; Stephen Walt of Foreign Policy and Harvard; Steve Clemons of The Atlantic and the New America Foundation; Jim Fallows of The Atlantic; Emily Hauser of Open Zion; Marsha B. Cohen and Jim Lobe at LobeblogNicholas Kristof of The New York Times; Clyde Prestowitz, formerly US Trade Representative in a Republican administration, in Foreign Policy; Robert Merry at The National Interest; former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer; and former U.S. Middle East negotiator Aaron David Miller (author of the book in which Hagel’s “Jewish Lobby” quote appears). Update: Also, former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Update, 12/20: A bunch of former US ambassadors–including five former ambassadors to Israel–have now written a letter saying Hagel has “impeccable” credentials to be secretary of defense: Nicholas Burns, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador to NATO and Greece; Ryan Crocker, former Ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan; Edward Djerejian, former Ambassador to Israel and Syria; William Harrop, former Ambassador to Israel; Daniel Kurtzer, former Ambassador to Israel and Egypt; Sam Lewis, former Ambassador to Israel; William H. Luers, former Ambassador to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia; Thomas R. Pickering, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador to Israel and Russia; Frank G. Wisner, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Ambassador to Egypt and India.

A despairing Jeffrey Goldberg has come out for Hagel so as to save Israel from itself:

Maybe, at this point, what we need are American officials who will speak with disconcerting bluntness to Israel about the choices it is making. If the Jewish Home party becomes a key part of Netanyahu’s right-wing ruling coalition, you can be assured that there will not [be] compromise coming in the forseeable future (it’s almost impossible to forsee compromise now.) Maybe the time has come to redefine the term “pro-Israel” to include… the straightest of straight talk about Israel’s self-destructive policies on the West Bank. Maybe Hagel, who is not bound to old models, could be useful in this regard. And yes, I write this with some measure of despair.

And the Wall Street Journal says Republican opposition is growing, and is quoting Zbig Brzezinski challenging Obama to stand up for Hagel and do it soon.

“I find that [Obama’s failure to comment], unfortunately, a symptom of being not willing to stand up for people you want to surround yourself with. . . .That’s not a good way to protect presidential territory. . . .I would say: Make an announcement that Kerry and [Hagel] are the team that he wants, and let’s see where the chips fall.”

Adds a friend: “In a political contest–(barring election campaigns, he has only fought such a contest to the end on one issue ever)–Obama needs 24-karat reassurance before he can tie his shoes. He is waiting for that, on Hagel, but it won’t ever get past 12 karat on this. He has never yet fought hard for anyone or anything that is not immediately connected with his own reputation and his political survival.”

Andrew Sullivan has led the rallying for Hagel on the left. He and Chris Matthews have focused on Bill Kristol and his latest toxic video for the Emergency Committee For Israel:

Sullivan, a fearless master marksman (as Annie phrases it), prowls with the grace of a famished panther then deftly goes for the jugular:

Kristol believes Greater Israel should always be backed by the US – including its neo-fascist ethnic social engineering on the West Bank, now once again put on steroids by its unhinged prime minister, essentially ending any pretense of good faith with its European allies. President Obama supports the long-standing US view that there should be a two-state solution, along 1967 lines with land swaps. Kristol supports illegal settlements.

So why does Kristol merit any conceivable interest in a re-elected Obama’s cabinet appointees? Why are we even talking about someone who has done so much damage to his own country and so much damage to Israel internationally, a man who has the blood of thousands of innocents in Iraq on his hands and appears to feel not a twinge of conscience, let alone introspection?

And yet here we have this ad, seen above, and an orchestrated campaign (you think [Fred] Hiatt didn’t get the memo or didn’t even need to?) to dictate the policy and cabinet picks of the newly elected president. You ask: where do they get the gall? The “Emergency Committee For Israel”, which sponsors the ad, contains in its very name a distillation of the paranoia and fantasy that is undermining a sane foreign policy for the United States, while supporting every suicidal, tribal, fundamentalist tendency in an increasingly isolated and fundamentalist Israel.

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Average American Joe says. ENOUGH OF THIS ISRAEL MALARKEY.

WTF is Hagel running for. Israeli DM

Kristol has the blood of thousands of Iraqis on his hands? I mean USA does (at Kristol’s and other neocons’ urging)?

Does this mean that the 26 or so folks who died in Connecticut the other day are NOT the only people recently killed by the senseless violence of megalomaniac psychopaths?

And does this mean that N’hu will not be re-elected because he will be seen to have “lost it” with the USA and the Europeans? (Or, au contraire, does that assure his re-election?)

This whole thing is going over the heads of every Dick and Jane Goy American I know. They have no clue at all.

This is where the struggle over the potential Chuck Hagel nomination stands to date. All of the Chuck Hagel opponents are militant Likud Zionists — Israel Firsters. (For Semantic Web ethusiasts, like Mooser, I’ll post this with the raw code, where c; *category; *instance.)

# Chuck Hagel: opponents and supporters
1. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Abraham Foxman
2. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Adam Kredo
3. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
4. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; AEI (American Enterprise Institute)
5. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
6. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; AJC (American Jewish Committee)
7. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Alana Goodman
8. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Algemeiner
9. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Bret Stephens
10. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Caroline Glick
11. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Center for American Freedom
12. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Commentary Magazine
13. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; CSP (Center for Security Policy)
14. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Daily Kos
15. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Daniel Greenfield
16. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Daniel Mandel
17. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Debbie Schlussel
18. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; ECI (Emergency Committee for Israel)
19. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Ed Koch
20. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Elliott Abrams
21. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Frank Gaffney
22. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Fred Hiatt
23. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Frontpage Magazine
24. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Gil Troy
25. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Ira Forman
26. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Jackson Diehl
27. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; James Inhofe
28. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Jeff Dunetz (Yid with Lid)
29. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Jennifer Rubin
30. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Jerusalem Post
31. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Joe Lieberman
32. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; John McCain
33. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Josh Block
34. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Lindsey Graham
35. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Matt Brooks
36. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Michael Rubin
37. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Morris Amitay
38. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Morton Klein
39. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Nathaniel Botwinick
40. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; National Review
41. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; NJDC (National Jewish Democratic Council)
42. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Noah Silverman
43. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Open Zion
44. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Pamela Geller
45. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Paul Mirengoff
46. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Philip Klein
47. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Power Line
48. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Rich Lowry
49. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Rick Richman
50. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; RJC (Republican Jewish Coalition)
51. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Shmuel Rosner
52. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; The Israel Project
53. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Times of Israel
54. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Washington Free Beacon
55. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Washington Post
56. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Washington Times
57. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; Weekly Standard
58. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; William Kristol
59. c; anti-Chuck Hagel; ZOA (Zionist Organization of America)
60. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Aaron David Miller
61. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; American Conservative
62. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Andrew Sullivan
63. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Brent Scowcroft
64. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Cato Institute
65. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Chris Matthews
66. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Chris Preble
67. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Clyde Prestowitz
68. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Dana Milbank
69. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Daniel Kurtzer
70. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Daniel Larison
71. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Doug Bandow
72. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Edward Djerejian
73. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Emily Hauser
74. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Frank Wisner
75. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; J Street
76. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Jacob Heilbrunn
77. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; James Fallows
78. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Jeffrey Goldberg
79. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Jim Lobe
80. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Marsha Cohen
81. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Mondoweiss
82. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; National Interest
83. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Nicholas Burns
84. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Paul Pillar
85. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Richard Armitage
86. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Robert Merry
87. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Robert Wright
88. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Ryan Crocker
89. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Sam Lewis
90. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Scott McConnell
91. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Stephen Walt
92. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Steve Clemons
93. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Think Progress
94. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; Thomas Pickering
95. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; William Harrop
96. c; pro-Chuck Hagel; William Luers

Corrections and additions welcome.

Open Zion isn’t exclusively anti-Chuck Hagel — but it did publish that obnoxious Hagel hit piece by Gil Troy.

Obama would not purposely set himself up for another smack-down from israel unless it is part of a plan to expose to a broader American public the nefarious and seemingly total control the israeli lobby and its israeli-firster Americans have over our policy – if Hagel is run-off then the public gets another example served up to them of this reality … For Obama to do so as a plan seems a bit oblique and too-cute-by-half … more likely Obama is actually going to fight this out and Hagel is too … it will be fun