
‘They have stones, we need drones’: Israeli activists tell Obama ‘thank you for supporting our Apartheid state’

From the YouTube page:

President Obama thank you for supporting and protecting our Apartheid state. And a special thank to the American people for donating over the years more than 230 Billion Dollars of your tax money for enabling our military and Jewish superiority in the Holy Land. Yes We Can Not Do It Without You!

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Pardon my stubbornness but are these people sarcastic or do they seriously dipslay this morally corrupt and cynical message?

Loverly! But what would have happened, Peter, if “stones” did NOT rhyme with “drones”? What then?

it isnt just the US..there is also canada and austrialia germany france and the uk

hasnt germany also be forced into giving israel somewhere in the nieghborhood of $200 billion…plus free military equipment

I want in on this scheme…I am broke

Wow! They could be a new party! I estimate maybe 20 activists in the video. Probably good soccer players, too, so they could call themselves Forward. No, wait, that’s taken. What about Red Flag? They’d have garnered 0.000633 Knesset seats in the last election. Progress!

Silly people.