
Hiroshima epiphany

Israeli activist Yuval Drier Shiloh is in Japan. He posted this report on a facebook page, which Ofer Neiman translated from the Hebrew:

Yuval in Hiroshima:

“Going through the pages of the guest book at the Hiroshima Peace Museum I found three comments by Israelis who had visited the place before us this week. Two of them thought the exhibition explains well why there is a need to attack Iran. They must have skipped the exhibit showing the global nuclear arsenal. The terrifying cluster of missiles in the Middle East is located on the Israeli spot, not the Iranian one. The third comment was by a young guy from Jerusalem: “Now I understand we’re not the only ones to have experienced a holocaust”.

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So, three Israeli jews visit the Hiroshima Peace Museum. Two of them equate Iran, which has not engaged in aggressive war in centuries, with Imperial Japan, a regime that made aggressive war its leitmotif. The third Israeli is amazed that another people has experienced a holocaust, despite Pearl Harbor, Japan’s imperial aggression against China, etc, and the fact no young Israeli has ever experienced a holocaust.

What are we to make of this? In America, currently, the group continually shown as ignorant to the laughing extreme–are “rednecks.” This means mostly poor whites. In this sense, what shall we call the young Israeli jews who commented on the Museum exhibition? And wouldn’t that be doubling the slander on American redneck kids?

“We’re not the only ones to have experienced a holocaust.” Well, no. Pol Pot may have had a hand in another, and Africa (Rwanda). etc. “The Holocaust” ™ (two caps, quotes, ™) is a social construct over and above the physical “on-the-ground” (as so many say today) fact of the holocaust (no caps, no ™) of Jews (and many others) by the claiming-to-seek-racial-purity Nazis in 1930’s-45. The social construct is designed (and very effective) to build up Jewish fear and, from that fear, to build a Jewish (or perhaps merely Israeli) sense-of-entitlement: to land, to humiliate and disposses another people, to be free of the trammels of ordinary ethics, morals, and law (both international and, quite often, in Israel, by the government and military, local, to say nothing — I’d expect — of much Jewish law, including the Talmudic prohibition on ingathering Jews in Zion before God led the way).

One of the regular hasbara bots on MW, in the last day or so, commented that, although Israel has the bomb, this has not led to a nuke arms race in the ME. He apparently is unaware that JFK was trying to stop Israel from getting the bomb (it has 300 now) when he was murdered, and unaware that Israel bombed a nuke program site in Iraq, then in Syria. And that now the Israel uber alles crowd here and in Israel are doing their absolute best to get the US to bomb Iran, partnering with Israel no matter which state bombs first–if and when Iran has reached the mere capability to make a single nuke bomb.

“The third comment was by a young guy from Jerusalem: “Now I understand we’re not the only ones to have experienced a holocaust”.

Good,….. one down, and however many more to go and Zionism/Israel loses it’s holocaust excuse.

Seems like the US should have to pay/answer for Hiroshima. Seems like there are a lot of ‘civilians’ around the world we ‘owe’.

the exhibition explains well why there is a need to attack iran?

why, so that iran will have the opportunity to build a memorial to the hundreds of thousands of iranians evaporated into the atmosphere and otherwise murdered by israeli nukes?