
Mother’s Day in Seattle features a Nakba exhibit downtown

Mothers Against Ethnic Cleansing
Mothers Against Ethnic Cleansing
Nakba Exhibit 2012 Westlake Plaza Seattle
Remembering al-Nakba – From the University of Washington exhibit in 2012

Pursuing its motto of “Breaking the Information Blockade” the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC), along with Palestine Solidarity Committee and Voices for Palestine, is sponsoring its annual exhibit, “Palestine: Stolen Homeland,” this year on Mother’s Day.

The Nakba exhibit is featured at Westlake Plaza today in the middle of downtown Seattle. The exhibit will also be hosted by local affiliates at Sylvester Park, and Evergreen College in Olympia and University of Washington in the coming days.

Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign press release:

Palestine: Stolen Homeland, a theatrical installation of over 100 small tents inscribed with the names of Palestinian villages destroyed in 1948.  The display will commemorate and protest the events of 1947-9, when two-thirds of the Palestinian people were forcibly displaced and over 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed.  The new state of Israel created laws to prevent the return of those Palestinians after the war, and now Palestinians are one of the largest and longest-suffering refugee populations in the world.  To describe these events, Palestinians use the word “Nakba” which means “catastrophe.” 

The Nakba display schedule:
Seattle at Westlake on Mothers Day 12-5pm
Monday: Olympia, Sylvester Park
Tuesday: Olympia, Evergreen College
Wednesday: University of Washington, SUPER-U

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Bravo, Annie. BTW, I understand the specific advice Dennis Ross gives Obama, is how various ideas and policies (regardeing Israel/Palestine etc) play with certain rich and powerful Jews. Ross’ links to these people is what enabled him to elbow George Mitchell aside. (As I understand things.)

Thanks, Annie. It was a great day today. Threatening rain did not appear and we had conversations with many people happening by. Also BDS flashmobs were done in many surrounding stores selling Ahava (Nordstrom) and Sodastream (Bed Bath Beyond) and several others. Cindy and Craig Corrie were there much of the day and will take the Nakba tents to Olympia.

Linda J. (Voices for Palestine), Seattle

I’m glad they make the point that the Nakba is still going on.

Thank you, Annie.

Thank you to all who remember those who were displaced and killed.

Blessings to all refugees and survivors from and of violence.