
Exile and the prophetic: The Jewish code of silence

This post is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page.

What does it mean when an elder statesman like Henry Siegman goes rogue on the Jewish establishment that he once fronted for? 

Or should we say – goes prophet?

His thoughts, once bound, become free.  His measured, diplomatic, speech reaches out to the suffering.  He no longer minces words.

When Siegman first went prophet, the Jewish establishment types who once knew him as a fellow traveler, thought he had gone over the edge.  Is he being paid off?  Had he slipped into a distorted universe?  Early dementia?

Every organization has a series of handshake agreements that allow the organization to work.  Buttressing these agreements is an unwritten code understood – and enforced – by all.    With the police, it’s called the Blue Code of Silence. 

The Blue Code of Silence works this way.  When questioned about an incident of misconduct involving a fellow officer, the officer being questioned claims ignorance of the officer’s wrongdoing.  All agree not to report a fellow officer’s errors, misconducts, or crimes.

You protect others.  They protect you.  Covering-up is less about altruism than being unaccountable to the outside.  If one officer can be questioned and hauled away, you can, too. 

The Blue Code of Silence is about power.  When the misconduct becomes known within the organization, a certain power accrues to those who know. 

Breaking the Blue Code of Silence carries consequences that range from being ostracized at work to being hounded from the police force.  Once in a while, the code is enforced beyond the ordinary.  You wind up beaten and bloodied.

What shall we call this code of silence in contemporary Jewish life?  Many choices come to mind.   We are cautioned to be silent about so much. 

If you think there aren’t consequences to breaking the Jewish Code of Silence, think again. The Jewish establishment has become a Mafia-type organization – while enjoying a very public status.  Like the Mafia, the Jewish establishment has bosses and enforcers.  We don’t need to see conspiracy to know there’s Jewish power around every corner of American society. 

The Jewish Code of Silence includes silence on Jewish colonialism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, the Western Wall, the Israel lobby and more. 

We used to think being Jewish meant questioning the codes of silence.  Wherever these codes were found, Jews exposed them.  We were quite proud of that tradition, since others just went along with things as they are. 

That’s what we were taught.  We question. They don’t.

But in my lifetime we have become the great enablers and enforcers of codes of silence. 

The Jewish establishment is in bed with any dictator that does their bidding and promotes the toppling of any dictator that doesn’t.

The Jewish establishment supports war after war that promises to uphold their interests.  They oppose critics of war for undermining them.

The Jewish establishment promotes American politicians who do their bidding.  They topple any politician that doesn’t.

The Jewish establishment promotes Jewish spokespersons who adhere to the Jewish Code of Silence.  They diminish, censor and excommunicate Jews who break the code.

Jews of Conscience break the Jewish Code of Silence.  Punishment follows.

There’s a history of punishing those who break the code. 

Think of the beating Hannah Arendt took over her report on the trial of Adolph Eichmann in 1963.  A few years later, Arendt threw up her hands and left Jewish affairs to others.

Think of the beating Richard Goldstone received after the release of the United Nations report on Israel’s invasion of Gaza in 2009.  In the end, he backpedaled on the report that bears his name.

In the face or persecution, carrying on isn’t easy.  We don’t know what our dissent adds up to either. 

Sometimes breaking the Jewish Code of Silence becomes a preoccupation.  As if breaking the code is itself doing justice.

Then again at certain times, perhaps that is all we can do.

When an elder Jewish statesman, or any Jew for matter, goes prophet, the Jewish establishment takes notice.  But, then, people of conscience around the world also take notice.

At certain times, perhaps that is what all of us can do.

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Thank you. Brilliant. “Speaking Truth to Power” is an old idea and not necessarily Jewish. I first heard the phrase when used by Quakers. But defending the little guy against the power and privilege of the powerful and privileged (always unearned because always excessive) is hard and dangerous work. I always thought especially well of Jews (should I say “us Jews”?) because of the Jewish work in the USA in the 1960s Civil Rights turmoil.

Some would have us believe that 1967 changed all that and that an Israel-centered “my country right or wrong, my mother drunk or sober” had replaced all other Jewish ethics in a large generation, and perhaps so. The younger generation coming along seems to be abandoning that.

The warning “don’t marry outside the tribe” is a wonderful indication of how the Jewish establishment seeks to prolong ITS power by continuing recruits into the army of Israel-protectors. I’m glad I married a Palestinian Quaker. Instead.

This reality, that any jew who looks into the roots of anti-semitism and does not necessarily find a mental disease afflicting all non-jews, is not new:

God forbid anyone suggest that the jews, as represented by their own Establishment leaders thru the ages, never learn from jewish history.

Yet there are always some in Israel who will not bow the knee to Baal, aren’t there?

Mama mia, you are on your game today, Prof.

I would be curious to know your thoughts about…how long to recover? Foe Jews, I mean. Or are Jews forever changed? And your thoughts about Jewish liberation theology.


(EXCERPT) The Betar Movement (בית”ר, also spelled Beitar) is a Revisionist Zionist youth movement founded in 1923 in Riga, Latvia, by Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky. Betar has been traditionally linked to the original Herut and then Likud political parties of Israel, and was closely affiliated with the pre-Israel Revisionist Zionist splinter group Irgun Zevai Leumi. It was one of many right-wing movements and youth groups arising at that time out of a worldwide emergence of fascism.[1] Some of the most prominent politicians of Israel were Betarim in their youth, most notably Prime Ministers Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin, the latter of whom idolized Jabotinsky.[2]. . .
. . . The group initially praised Mussolini for his anti-communism and fascist principles, leading it to adopt the black uniform shirt of Italian fascism for a short period. Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia, however, was seen as “cowardly” by Betar and led them to break with him shortly after.[8] . . .


● P.P.S. ALSO SEE: “The Hidden History of Zionism”, Chapter 6, by Ralph Schoenman

[EXCERPT] . . . Mussolini set up squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, Betar, in black shirts in emulation of his own Fascist bands.
When Menachem Begin became chief of Betar, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies – at which they greeted each other and opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute…


● P.P.P.S. RE: “Mussolini set up squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, Betar, in black shirts in emulation of his own Fascist bands.” ~ from the Wikipedia excerpt above
• SEE WIKIPEDIA [Blackshirts] –
• AND SEE THIS VIDEO – Mussolini in Color : The Blackshirts [VIDEO, 02:24] –