
Hamas and Iran have vowed ‘to wipe out the Jews’ just as Nazis did, AIPAC says

AIPAC sent out a fundraising letter today saying that Hamas and Iran “are vowing to wipe out the Jews” and are no different from Nazis. The only difference between then and now is that now AIPAC is standing up for the Jews and it can get meetings with the president and Congress, as Jews could not do during the Holocaust.

The letter is signed by Brian Shankman, Director of Regional Affairs & Development. Here are its first few paragraphs:

Dear Friend of Israel:

On October 6, 1943, a delegation of American rabbis arrived at the White House for a personal audience with President Franklin Roosevelt. They planned to present to the president irrefutable proof that the Nazis were conducting a wholesale annihilation of European Jews.

As they arrived at the White House, the rabbis knew that this was a decisive moment – the last chance to stop the Holocaust before the last of European Jewry was extinguished.

They were denied a meeting.

The ensuing tragedy is, of course, well known. No coordinated Allied rescue was launched. The flames consumed 6 million.

Six decades later, America is again consumed with domestic challenges, and across the globe vitriolic enemies such as Ayatollah Khameni, Iran’s supreme leader, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ prime minister, are vowing to wipe out the Jews while acquiring more advanced and far reaching weapons to do so.

But today one very important thing has changed from what the delegation of rabbis faced 60 years ago.

Today we are not turned away at the door. Today we meet face to face with leaders on Capitol Hill and the White House to work to help make America, Israel and the world more secure.

But our ability to make a difference for Israel and America will only persist if we continue to act together.

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Intermarriage is the only thing that can “wipe out the Jews” .
But there will always be the Shatnez tendency.

These people really are insane, all of a sudden they accusing others of planning genocide!? Who does that? And again we see who makes use of the holocaust.
Amazing how these people can call themselves victims while urging war.

The only genocide is the one aipac support in palestine and the very likely resulting genocide of the bombing plans now incited by aipac and israel.

“Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ prime minister…. vowing to wipe out the Jews while acquiring more advanced and far reaching weapons to do so.”

FFS. What could they possibly mean wrt Gaza?

Donkey launched homemade rockets ?

Holy crap, what ahistorical nonsense. (Putting aside, of course, the All-Our-Enemies-Are-Nazis falacy in the piece…)

First of all, this references the “Rabbi’s March,” a demonstration of 500 rabbis who marched throughout Washington, and who were able to meet with Henry Wallace, the VP, rather than FDR. They make it sound like they had an appointment and no one answered the door, which was not true.

Second, the notion that they had “irrefutable proof” of the Holocaust was nonsense. They had a petition, which they gave to the president’s secretary. Moreover, the notion that FDR needed proof of the Holocaust in Ocotber of ’43 is asinine. FDR knew a hell of a lot more about what the Nazis were doing than the rabbis did.

Third, they slander FDR by insinuating that because he ditched the meeting, a last chance to stop Holocaust was missed, which was nonsense. This event happened approximately 21 months after the Wannsee Conference.

Fourth, the imply that because this meeting didn’t occur, something which could have been done to stop the killings wasn’t done. That implication is sheer fantasy. There was nothing the US, alone or with the Allies could have done to save the Jews that were being murdered, unfortunately, other than win the war as quickly as possible. And by and large (with some exceptions) that’s what they did. And to the extent there were other things which could be attempted, they were (such as the formation of the War Refugee Board, which, among other things, recruited Raoul Wallenberg and aided his mission.)

If they’re lying about this past, what’s the odds that they’re lying about today??

Yep, must keep the Jews convinced that we and the allies ‘deliberately ‘ turned our back on them and could have saved them but didnt just because they were Jews.

I want to see promoters of this misinformation made to describe exactly how we could have plucked the Jews out of Germany and the Camps and the nazi occupied countries. I still see those who say the refusal to bomb the camps and railroads contributed to more Jews being killed—well bombing the camps would have killed more Jews and bombing the rail tracks wouldnt have made the slightest difference.
I have read dozens of books on WWII in my life and Eisenhower’s correspondence during the war and I cant see it…can see no way any ally forces could have gotten behind German lines to do anything for the Jews except finally defeat and beat the Germans back. If there is one thing people should understand it is that despite the rah rah of the time and post war history/hype of the mighty US power in that war –it is how touch and go it really was for the allies and even Eisenhower was
at times convinced the allies were losing Europe to Germany.

I cant even get offended or mad about this gross misrepresentation any longer, it’s just sad that it keeps going and going..