
AIPAC flexes its muscle on Iran and Egypt

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The powerhouse Israel lobby group wants more sanctions on Iran and the continuation of U.S. military aid towards Egypt–and Congress has obliged. Over the past week, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has seen its legislative priorities on U.S. policy in the Middle East sail through Congress.

As Iran prepared to welcome in a new president more amenable to negotiations with the West over its nuclear energy program, AIPAC and its Congressional allies were walking overtime to scuttle any potential diplomatic progress. The House of Representatives passed a new bill yesterday aimed at crippling Iran’s oil exports. There were a handful of Congressional critics of the AIPAC-backed measure, who pointed out that the bill was, as M.J. Rosenberg put it, a “preemptive strike” against Iran’s new president. But they didn’t come close to dissuading the House, which passed the bill by a 400-20 vote.  

The House vote lined up with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy: ratchet up sanctions, prepare for war and deride those who think that Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president, presents a diplomatic opportunity. “You should ratchet up the sanction and make it clear to Iran that they won’t get away with it. And if sanctions don’t work and they have to know that you’ll be prepared to take military action, that’s the only thing that will get their attention,” Netanyahu said on CBS’ Face the Nation last month. 

The House legislation was only the latest sanctions bill piled on Iran, as Rosenberg reminds us: 

AIPAC has been drafting and the House and Senate passing AIPAC’s Iran sanctions bills for years. They don’t accomplish anything except punish the Iranian people. After all, if they did “work,” AIPAC wouldn’t keep having to write new sanctions bills. Iran would have surrendered to Israel’s demands on the nuclear issue years ago.

On Egypt, the story was much the same: AIPAC got what it wanted. The Egyptian military’s coup in June prompted a lot of pundits to talk about whether the Obama administration was going to cut off the $1.3 billion in military aid the U.S. delivers to the country annually. But there was never any serious chance the Obama administration was going to do so–and Israel is a key reason why. So when Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment this week to redirect the Egypt aid to infrastructure projects at home, it was quickly shot down–and the Senators opposing the amendment cited AIPAC and the Israeli government’s insistence that military aid continue to Egypt.

Open Zion’s Ali Gharib runs down the revealing debate here:

[P]eans to Israel’s security came from the five Senators who spoke in opposition to the amendment: Sens. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Bob Corker (R-TN), Jim Inhofe (R-OK) Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and John McCain (R-AZ), who even got into it with Paul about what American groups spoke with authority on Israel’s interests.

Inhofe, the first to speak, set the tone. “If you have any feelings at all toward our good friends, our best friends in the Middle East—that is Israel—then you cannot consider this amendment. Israel has all of the interests at stake,” he said. “We cannot do this to our friends in Israel and our other allies in the Middle East.” He went on at length. Then Menendez made one of those references to American security when he said the Senate must consider “implications for U.S. national security and for our ally Israel.” Later, he elaborated on those concerns—the Israeli ones, at least: “When you have hundreds of tunnels in the Sinai being used by extremists to send weapons into Gaza to attack Israel, it is about their security.”

And Senator Lindsey Graham underscored the fact that AIPAC was opposed to cutting off aid to Egypt. As Gharib notes, Graham read into the Congressional record the letter AIPAC sent to Senators on the Paul amendment, which states:

We are writing to express our concerns over the Paul amendment to the Transportation/HUD Appropriations bill that would eliminate military assistance and sales to Egypt. We do not support cutting off all assistance to Egypt at this time, as we believe it could increase the instability in Egypt and undermine important U.S. interests and negatively impact our Israeli ally.

There are other important reasons why the U.S. won’t cut off aid to Egypt. The flow of money ensures profits for weapons companies in America, and ensures that the Suez Canal, important for oil, is also a place where the U.S. navy flexes its muscle–which is important to box Iran in. 

All of those concerns–the Suez Canal, weapons contracts and Israel–underline why Secretary of State John Kerry, as Marc Ellis noted, said this week that the Egyptian military stepped in to “restore democracy.” While Kerry’s remarks were impolitic–the U.S. is not supposed to explicitly say it supported the coup–they undoubtedly reflected the alternate universe U.S. officials live in. 

So the Egyptian military and security forces have received the message that there will be no consequences for their crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. They’ve detained former President Mohamed Morsi, committed two mass killings of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, and are now warning that the prolonged Islamist sit-in protesting the military’s actions will be cleared. Expect more bloodshed soon–all backed up by the military aid the U.S., AIPAC and Israel ensured will continue to flow.

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I am so tired of this buffoon Netanyahoo, he is an aging dinosaur who’s time has come and gone. When will someone, on “Face the Nation’ or someplace else, somewhere, sometime say to this idiot, “We are going to ratchet up the sanctions and make it clear to you and Israel that you will not continue to get away with it (illegal settlements and the occupation). And if sanctions don’t work then we’ll be prepared to take financial, United Nations, and ICC action, that’s the only thing that will get your attention”.

The stink of the occupation is getting to be to much now. The USA once a respected country is quickly catching up to Israel. You align yourself with garbage and you end up being garbage.

# AIPAC ops

1. AIEF (American Israel Education Foundation)
2. Barack Obama
3. Barney Frank
4. Chuck Schumer
5. David Axelrod
6. David Makovsky
7. Dennis Ross
8. Dick Cheney
9. Eric Cantor
10. Haim Saban
11. Harry Reid
12. Jane Harman
13. Joe Lieberman
14. John Hagee
15. John McCain
16. Larry Franklin
17. Lee Feinstein
18. Lindsey Graham
19. Martin Indyk
20. Michael Lewis
21. Mitt Romney
22. Nancy Pelosi
23. Newt Gingrich
24. Rahm Emanuel
25. Rick Santorum
26. Sheldon Adelson
27. Steny Hoyer
28. WINEP (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
29. Wolf Blitzer

This needs to be fleshed out.

Zionism — Jewish nationalism — is now a much bigger factor in American politics than conservatism or liberalism. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties are under the control of AIPAC and its agenda of endless foreign wars and political conflict on behalf of Israel.

Must read:

article; Jeff Klein; How AIPAC Rules; Counterpunch; May 31-June 2, 2013

So the power of AIPAC derives not fundamentally from Israel’s vast popularity. Although opinion polls do regularly confirm the public supports Israel at a much higher level than the Palestinians (no surprise), substantial pluralities still prefer that the US stay neutral in the conflict. I have seen no polling about support for the billions in military aid to Israel each year. It is hard to imagine that the majority response would be anything but negative in the light of cuts to funding other popular government programs. Not surprisingly the Lobby prefers “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” on the question of yearly$billions for Israel.

The apparent dominance of the Israel Lobby in Congress stems from what I would call “asymmetric politics”. AIPAC represents the power of a well-funded and single-issue political machine. It is quick to punish recalcitrant legislators – or to reward good behavior with dollars and campaign support from the many PACS and rich donors who take its direction.

Seen in this light, members of Congress – ever averse to risk, as are all elected officials – are behaving rationally when they defer to the Israel Lobby. They pay little or no price for playing ball with AIPAC and risk a backlash with no apparent reward if they don’t.

This is the way asymmetric politics works for the Israel Lobby. It is the dynamic that puts our country in opposition to most of the world with respect to International Law and peace in the Middle East. And it may yet succeed in getting us into a war with Iran.

RE: “[P]eans to Israel’s security came from the five Senators who spoke in opposition to the amendment: Sens. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Bob Corker (R-TN), Jim Inhofe (R-OK) Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and John McCain (R-AZ)” ~ Alex Kane


Pro-Israel contributions

• Top Senate Recipients Funded

Recipient | Amount
Mark Kirk $925,379
John McCain $771,012
Mitch McConnell $430,925
Carl Levin $346,478
Robert Menéndez $344,670
Richard Durbin $327,212
Kirsten Gillibrand $326,937
Mary Landrieu $296,409
Benjamin Cardin $267,542
Harry Reid $261,708
Bill Nelson $259,250
Charles Schumer $248,149
Timothy Kaine $245,820
Barbara Boxer $245,179
Ron Wyden $222,431
Sherrod Brown $221,891
Claire McCaskill $214,271
Robert Casey $192,550
[CONTINUED AD NAUSEAM, INCLUDING: Bob Corker $114,770; Lindsey Graham $84,515 & James Inhofe $60,000]


● A HIGHLY RELEVANT QUOTATION: “You can’t use tact with a Congressman! A Congressman is a hog! You must take a stick and hit him on the snout!” ~ From ‘The Education of Henry Adams’, By Henry Brooks Adams, 1838-1918 (American journalist-historian-academic-novelist; grandson of President John Quincy Adams; great-grandson of President John Adams)
The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams –
The Education of Henry Adams: An Autobiography (Google eBook) –

● AND, YET ANOTHER HIGHLY RELEVANT QUOTATION: “You tell me whar a man gits his corn pone, en I’ll tell you what his ‘pinions is.” ~ Mark Twain (Meaning that one’s opinions can be told based on where that person got their bread.)

DICK AND JANE continue their lives of sports & shopping at the mall, and quiet desperation. They have yet to devote a brain cell to how AIPAC is sucking up their meager blood and treasure. Both corporate America and US main media string them along by omission, when they don’t use outright hasbara & “free market” Horatio Algier BS.They are eve aware of the CBO’s report on the last 30 years rising income gap.