
Sh*t rightwing Zionists say about liberal Zionists

This coming weekend the liberal Zionist organization J Street is holding its annual conference in Washington, aimed at saving the 65-year-old Jewish state by ending its 47-year-old disease– the settlement project– and as I have been making predictions lately about the rage on the right toward any perceived enemies of Israel, I wanted to share this video I saw recently when I was googling Peter Beinart’s name. Beinart is one of the main speakers at J Street this weekend, an avowed idealist who has led the discussion inside the mainstream Jewish community by asserting that liberalism and a Jewish state can be reconciled. Lately he has challenged the American Jewish community to make way for more Palestinian voices, because he sees the increasing toughness/stupidity of the American Jewish community, the result of tying itself to a colonial discriminatory project.

A year or so back, Beinart came out for “Zionist BDS” — a boycott aimed at the settlements, aimed at pressuring the Israeli government to pull back the colonies in order to “save Israel.” I would argue that Beinart’s call has been ineffective; Israel has only increased its settlements.

The above video was apparently crafted by some ass in response to Beinart’s boycott call. I have no idea who put it together; I’m guessing it’s a hard-right Zionist. You will see that the video uses the most rebarbative and disgusting language and imagery in arguing that Beinart is a Nazi and Ku Klux Klanner and anti-Semite, because he called for a limited boycott. Someone put a lot of effort into the production, burning a cross and an Israeli flag or two.

But Peter Beinart puts an Israeli flag in his son’s bedroom so the kid will grow up to love Israel as he does… You’d think he’d be immune from this sort of attack? I think it’s indicative of the demons that exist inside the rightwing Zionist community– here’s another rightwinger calling Beinart a Trojan horse in the temple—  and that the demons are sure to come out in force, dragging their knuckles, if Israel is ever really challenged, by anyone.

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Wow, those ziofanatics must have got kick out of dressing up as the Klan. They seem to have an unhealthy obsession with them. What a mixed-up, confused and downright absurd piece of propaganda this is. The usual fear mongering and hysteria, all done with an amateur dramatic society who shout slogans written by a student writer keen to impress his sketchy ideas on us. What addled brains they have, it’s so confused that i thought they were aligning the KKK with Zionists who want to hang Beinart. At least that’s the subliminal message that comes out. Can you imagine the meetings and discussions that preceded this, as they all thought how brilliant they were? lol

‘You’d think he’d be immune from this sort of attack? I think it’s indicative of the demons that exist inside the rightwing Zionist community– ‘

No one immune from that ‘cult’… it is crazy. ..very, very, very crazy…Jim Jones kind of crazy.

“”I would argue that Beinart’s call has been ineffective; Israel has only increased its settlements”

I dont think liberal zios can be effective in any solution….maybe some like mj have some effect by swattng the lib zios with a little reality.
But most of the others are like Beinart……their appeal is sort of like the old story of the defense trying to get a cushy hospital stay instead of prison or the death penalty for the teen who killed his parents on the basis thats he’s a orphan now.

“But Peter Beinart puts an Israeli flag in his son’s bedroom so the kid will grow up to love Israel as he does…”

It’ll have all the cachet of the Confederate flag by the time his son has kids..

”Beinart is one of the main speakers at J Street this weekend, an avowed idealist who has led the discussion inside the mainstream Jewish community by asserting that liberalism and a Jewish state can be reconciled”

That where I just lose it wth these people—–what do they think 99% of the world’s definition and understanding of liberalism is?
What is Beinart calling liberalism? Does he believe in the policy of maintaining a Jewish majority in Israel? Does he believe that immigration into Israel based on religion or some bloodline is liberalism and western?
They have so baffled themselves wth their own bullsh-t they think they can get other people to buy it.
They ought to just stick to their Jewish state ‘exceptionalism’ claim instead of trying to have it both ways cause their own hypocrisy is what traps them when they go outside the zio echo chamber.

Jewish State democracy = ‘imitation crab meat.

>> You’d think he’d be immune from this sort of attack?

Being moderately supremacist simply isn’t good enough for the full-on, die-hard, “f*ck the Palestinians and the rest of the world” Zio-supremacists.