
Rosh Hashanah and the Primal Prophetic

This is part of Marc H. Ellis’s “Exile and the Prophetic” feature for Mondoweiss. To read the entire series visit the archive page.

As Rosh Hashanah arrives, the Jewish Reform movement debates the detrimental aspects of the Bar Mitzvah event – citing rote memorization and synagogue leave-taking after an often lavish ceremony. Proposed instead is immersion in further education and social action, without, of course, considering Palestine. God forbid.

That the latest edition of the Israeli/Palestinian peace process is dead in the increasingly bloodied Middle Eastern water seems beside the point.  Or that many Jewish groups are claiming the moral high ground and joining the Obama/Kerry/McCain war chorus with regard to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.  To bring up the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the continuing Nakba as essential to the education Jews need – or the knowledge Jews need about Israel’s use of chemical agents in its weapons of choice in Gaza and elsewhere – raises the stakes of Jewish identity beyond the thinkable.  At least for those running the sinking ship called Jewish education.

Or is Jewish life itself sinking by turning its back on its own prophetic destiny?

With Rosh Hashanah, the Days of Awe and Repentance are upon us.  The end point is Yom Kippur, the day of confession and judgment. It’s only fitting to focus on Jewish identity and the education that informs Jewish commitment during these days.  Nonetheless, the elephant in the Jewish identity room isn’t coming of age rituals.  What Jewish leadership refuses to talk about, let alone admit to itself, is the imperial and colonial part of contemporary Jewish identity.  This the crucial confession Jewish renewal keeps missing.

Instead of focusing on the education of the young, Jewish adults need to come of age.  This is more difficult than programs and innovation for the young.  A Jewish coming of age means admitting that we are no longer innocent, that Israel isn’t our redemption and that we now purposefully and continually enable the violence we once suffered from.

We should consider this startling fact:  The contemporary Jewish safe harbor has become violence against others, all the while claiming the moral high ground of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.  Now we must ask the question as how this strange reversal took place.  Is it permanent?

There’s no reason for Jewish identity discussions without justice – the justice we owe Palestinians.   For the prophetic has always been the heart of Jewish identity.  Palestinians are now at the heart of the Jewish prophetic.  The connection is obvious.   Whether we acknowledge it or look away, the fact remains.

Most Jews who carry justice for Palestinians into the political world – Jews of Conscience – aren’t involved with Jewish religious establishments of any kind.  Why would they be?  In Jewish institutions, the prophetic is routinely derided.  Palestinians are as well.

Does that mean Jewish identity is beside the point?  Not by a long shot.

Just because Jewish leaders of all stripes refuse to understand who we have become as a people doesn’t mean Jewish identity is passé. To merge Jewishness into some undefinable universalism that is rootless and prone to the same colonialism and imperialism under a secular name is a huge mistake.  More than ever, a deep, considered, confessional, prophetic Jewishness is needed in the world.

Outside of Jewishness, where else can the prophetic be spoken and lived in its primal formation?  Outside of Jewishness, where else can the primal prophetic be spoken and lived in concert with other prophetic voices around the world?

As Jews around the world begin a new year, we should ponder our present plight – and the plight of others.  Our destiny cannot be wrapped in the flag of colonial and imperial power forever.  Instead, we must respond to the prophetic call essential to what it means to be Jewish.  Then our path with others, especially the Palestinian people, will be self-possessed.

What other reason is there for being Jewish?

During these days of reflection, we should think deeply about this assertion:  There is no other reason to be Jewish but to ponder, embrace and enact the prophetic call at the heart of our formation and tradition as a people.

The prophetic is our great gift to the world.  It is the Jewish indigenous.  And with Jews of Conscience gathering in ever greater numbers today, we once again bear witness to the startling and irreducible fact that the Jewish prophetic will never die.

Embracing the prophetic is the Jewish coming of age we need today as a people.  Then our young will be well educated in the ways of being Jewish and primed for their contribution to the world.  For after embracing the prophetic, all things Jewish fall into their rightful place – for ourselves and for the world.

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Power corrupts and the near-absolute power of AIPAC et al. surely corrupts absolutely.

Therefore, let the non-powerful among us rise up and learn the truth, hear the truth, speak the truth — even if the truth be truth of EVIL — and try to drown out the voices of the rich and powerful, the voices of the irrevocably corrupted, the voices of those who revel in their corruption.

Both French and American presidents are prepared to start a possible world war because the line that Assad has apparently crossed by using chemical weapons instead of the more usual bombs, missiles, guns, shells and bayonets to kill, maim, liquidate and vaporise civilians – is horrific. That is, more horrific than decapitating a child with an explosive shell or grenade or blowing both legs off a woman by a tank or being burned to death by a drone delivered missile.

The difference is difficult to ascertain although Messrs Obama and Netanyahu are apparently adamant that there is a correct way to take life and that is by using a methodology whereby the victim’s fatal suffering and agony is not too apparent to the one who presses the trigger, releases the incendiary bomb or fires a missile into the school playground.

Meanwhile, it would be interesting to know how many chemical and biological weapons do France, America and Israel secretly hold, and for what purpose?”

Rosh Hashanah is essentially about peace and goodwill to all men, even towards Muslims, Christians and those of no faith. But that requires integrity and a commitment to the sanctity of life.

“Just because Jewish leaders of all stripes refuse to understand who we have become as a people”

What does “who we have become as a people” mean? I really do not understand this phrase. Does it mean “what sort of people we have become individually or collectively”?

“doesn’t mean Jewish identity is passé.”

And what is “Jewish identity”?

Without a clear meaning for these phrases, this looks suspiciously like vague waffle.

“To merge Jewishness into some undefinable universalism that is rootless and prone to the same colonialism and imperialism under a secular name is a huge mistake.”


“More than ever, a deep, considered, confessional, prophetic Jewishness is needed in the world.”

What for? To produce the primal prophetic? (And what is that?)

“Outside of Jewishness, where else can the prophetic be spoken and lived in its primal formation? Outside of Jewishness, where else can the primal prophetic be spoken and lived in concert with other prophetic voices around the world?”

So other prophetic traditions are not “primal”? (Whatever “primal” means in this context.)

“What other reason is there for being Jewish?”

Mooser did tell me that, once, but I’ve forgotten what it was. Something to do with Hammond organs and girls, I think.

Ah! Here it is. Nothing to do with the organs.

Thank you very much, MW, for a very nice article as a nice gift for Rosh Hashana. Since we are in Yamim Noraim, the ten days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur, days of confession, I expected to read an objective article. An article about the suffering of both peoples in their tiny homeland, an article show we are both victims of the endless evil of the leaders of both sides. But not – as usual – only one side is the aggressor while the other side is a victim with no responsibility to this disgusting long conflict.

In your nice article, you ask how this strange reversal took place. Is it permanent? So, fortunately, it is not permanent at all. This situation will end when both sides treat each other as human being, when Israel withdrawal from the OT, when the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, when Israel let the Palestinians declare their independent state, when both nations here will realize that Israelis and Palestinians children suffer the same, bleeding the same. When people here will stop dancing when they hear on terror attack and will stop their will to kill each other.

Wish you all, MW, Happy New Year
Shana Tova and Kul Sana Wuintum Salmin!!!

President Rouhani:

“Amid a global exchange of greetings and good wishes to mark Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, which began at sunset on Wednesday, there was one from a particularly surprising quarter.

The Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, tweeted: “As the sun is about to set here in #Tehran I wish all Jews, especially Iranian Jews, a blessed Rosh Hashanah.”

The tweet was accompanied by a picture of an Iranian Jew praying at a synagogue in Tehran.”

I wonder why this is “surprising” to anyone.