
The country that cried wolf

This is delicious. From Richard Silverstein. 1984.

— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) November 26, 2013

Thx to Scott Roth.

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I don’t know about “delicious.” To me it is revolting. The same warmongers make the same cry repeatedly for thirty years, and the tab00-laden press is forbidden to mock Netanyahu, as you do here, as the boy who cried wolf. Instead, the press reports that Israelis and Arabs are in rare agreement that this is a bad deal, as if Obama and the rest of us Westerners are out of our league dealing with the treachery in Tehran. Instead, Obama reassures Israel, Kerry swears that there is no daylight, while being called naive, spineless and stupid, as if the tantrum boy who cries wolf is the crown- effing prince, who must be protected and coddled and cleaned up after, but never confronted or criticized. Let Obama and the US press call for a new government in Tel Aviv, one that doesn’t count on us eating lies like s*** and smiling while doing it.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Here’s to the Pilgrims.

Darn it, it **IS** a bad deal — from various non-USA perspectives. And it looks like (I hope it pressages) a dump-Israel attitude in Obama’s white house.

Now, the fact that various USA-MSM describe the Israeli (and Saudi) reactions (BTW, when is the last time they took note of any Saudi viewpoint since the oil-embargo of the 1970s?) is merely a lingering effect of BIG-ZION (follow the money) operating inside the American MSM. And trying to ope3rate within the american government (and many in Congress seem on board).

Follow the money. This is Murika, and the gov’mint can be bought up VERY cheap!

>> Iran in final stages of production of nuclear bomb: Maariv headline April 25, 1984

“Israel: Over 30 years of the finest Newspeak!” ©

oh desperate israel – your scam is unraveling and you are beginning to look ridiculous

I know this is way off-topic but…
Today Israel is mourning the sudden death of Arik Einstein, the best of the best in Israeli culture. I can hardly imagine the country without the singer, songwriter and actor who provided the soundtrack. The outporing of emotion today is overwhelming.