
Video: ‘The real truth about the West Bank’ offers rejoinder to Danny Ayalon’s hasbara lies

Lara Sawalha and Dana Dajani set the record straight in Visualizing Palestine‘s new video debunking Danny Ayalon’s lies in Shlomo Blass‘s 2011 hasbara production created for the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

(Hat tip Refaat Alareer)

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Nice movie. Cartoons and useful quotes and attractive women, way to go.

The Danny Ayalon video was flawed.
But so is this video.

When Rome re-captured Jerusalem in 69AD, they minted coins saying Iudaea capta. (Judah captured). Prior to 69 AD, it was called Iudae (Judah) nor Palestine by the Romans. Only after the enforced diaspora did the Romans rename it Palestine.

History of the Iudaea Capta coinage

I am aware of Herodotus, and Aristotle. They referred to a region Syria-Palestina, as we would refer to North America. This does not make too much of a case.

Jesus referred to himself as a Jew, not a Palestinian.

John 4:22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Jesus is not a Palestinian.

Oddly the only claim for a prior Palestinian state is the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.

So the Crusader Kingdom is the best you can come up with for a Palestinian state; or at most, a state with the Palestinian boundaries.

Bravo girls. This was a long time in coming, but late is better than never.

I wish it weren’t annoying, but it is. Like should be met with like: take a serious tone! (She *is* very beautiful, but still.)

Great work by the 2 Palestinian ladies. Ayalon is the creep who, along with Livni a couple of years back proposed transfering Palestinian-Israeli towns to a new Palestine on the WB in exchange for the settlements that would be incorporated into Israel.

Looking forward to the same 2 Palestinians tearing apart Ayalon’s second video from 2011 in which he is also standing there with a straight face spewing lies about “The Truth About Refugees:

These 2 beautiful and smart girls sure give a more realistic impression of what and who Palestinians are really about than the stuttering bumbling Erekat. Another great and eloquent Palestinian voice that we don’t hear enough from is Diana Buttu.