
Tax-deductible US group pushes Israeli control of Temple Mount

The news today is that there is more violence on the Temple Mount, with Palestinian rioting spreading out to the Muslim Quarter of the Old City. The source of this violence is clear: rightwing Jewish efforts to conduct religious rituals on the Temple Mount. Haaretz:

Most incidents involve Jews attempting to access the area in order to pray or demonstrate a Jewish presence. The growing strength of the Jewish Temple Movement and other organizations that seek to change the status quo on the Temple Mount has exacerbated these tensions, as has the crisis in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

It turns out that these zealots are getting support in the United States. This is from an American charity that supports Israeli soldiers, undated:

BREAKING NEWS: This morning, after Palestinian and Arab rioters threw stones and Molotov cocktails on the Temple Mount, the police were forced to close the area. Is it time for Israel to take control of the Temple Mount, end the violence, and open it to people of all religions? Click here to vote!

That “vote” is here. Should a Jewish government take sovereignty over the third most holy site in the Islamic faith and allow Jews to worship there?

The group is “Friends of LIBI,” an American nonprofit that donates funds to Israeli soldiers, tax free. “End the Violence on the Temple Mount!” it says, and features a photo of masked Palestinian youths throwing stones.

As for LIBI, it is an official Israeli quasi-governmental org, started by David Ben-Gurion 34 years ago to pass money to soldiers.

Those appeals by the American group may well have gone past incitement to pure hatred, in this suggestion: “Time to… get the Arabs out?” Our friend at I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists sent us this screen-grab of the Friends of LIBI Facebook page earlier last week. It was given to him by a friend; so he can’t vouch for its authenticity.

Original post at Facebook page of American Friends of Israeli army
Purported original post at Facebook page of American Friends of Israeli army

He points out that the same hateful statement appears on the “Israel Returns” Facebook page:

BREAKING: This morning an Israeli Parliament member was attacked on the Temple Mount by Arab protesters! Is it time to take over the Temple Mount and get the Arabs out? Click here to vote!

Of course the actual appeal by Friends of LIBI is loony enough: End the Violence on the Temple Mount, featuring Palestinian youths. Even Tom Friedman is now explaining to American Jews that Israeli political culture is dominated by zealots. Well, that zealotry gets giant hugs from Zionist zealots in the U.S.A. People on my side like to joke, This is the human brain on Zionism. That feels like namecalling to me till I see a story like this, which reminds us of the consequences in Jewish life of setting up a religious-nationalist garrison in the Arab world.

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Thanks right, Israel, keep poking that Temple Mount bear. In the end it will bite you in the ass.

Mondo readers would also be interested in the $20 million propaganda campaign in major media markets to inspire Christian fundamentalists to support the “rebuilding of the Temple” as a requirement to pave the way for the return of Jesus. (supposedly, the deity’s plan to destroy the world is being postponed because of political hesitancy to evict the Muslims…). On two weekends in San Francisco Bay Area, “The Miracle of Israel” has aired prime-time on KPIX, a local CBS affiliate, promoting the idea that:
a) Israel is a miracle of “god”, not overwhelming political/military power against indigenous people.
b) Among other things, that the Temple must be rebuilt where now stands the Dome of the Rock. This “must” happen so that Jesus the Messiah can return and end the world.

This “documentary” is narrated by a grotesquely illogical Leonard Nimoy, and is the brainchild of Jonathan Bernis of “Jewish Voice Ministries”, an organization that in 2012 had an income of $20 million. The film is being showed in many media markets in prime-time, like an infomercial for religious violence. It’s message is subtle, but clear. Get rid of the Muslims so that the Temple can be rebuilt and Jesus can return and end the world.

It is not possible for David Ben Gurion who has been dead over 40 years ago (December 1973) to found the group 34 years ago!

It is obvious that Tax Free Status should have been revoked for this and other groups yet this seems impossible for the US Government to facilitate!

These people will not be happy until a bloodbath is manifested, to achieve their goals that they are seeking!

Separation of Church and State is to be preserved only when some nutter wants to celebrate Christmas at school,college,municipal or on County properties or wants to display religious symbols at public space. Religion has to be barred against Air force
or airport lounge from getting displayed.

One cynic can see while every trace of christianity is under attack,the Zionism is thriving here and even conducting illegal business.