
Wake up, Ruth Westheimer

Last week Ruth Westheimer, the sex therapist, urged people to attend the Israel Day celebration in New York and support the country or she might shoot them. I was in the Haganah, I was sharpshooter. Watch out! Whoever is not going to give us support, watch out for me, I can still put five bullets into that little red circle.” Westheimer was born in Germany and narrowly escaped the Holocaust. Lillian Rosengarten, pictured below, author of the forthcoming book, “From The Shadows Of Nazi Germany To The Jewish Boat To Gaza: My Story,” offered this response. 

Dear Ruth Westheimer,

Are you blind or do you simply have your head in the sand, in complete denial of Zionist Israel’s racist crimes to rid Israel of Palestinians? Excuse me, but I am reminded of “Deutschland Uber Alles.” You see, I was born in Frankfurt, I too am a refugee from Nazi Germany and I am a Jew who must say NO to apartheid, occupation , check points, stolen land, racism and a desire for a Jewish State only obtained through the suffering and blood of Palestinians who are identified as “reviled Arabs” by Israelis who are taught from childhood to hate. Only today I was sickened to read on “Jerusalem Day” settlers shouted “Kahane was right.” Do you remember Kahane, the founder of the Jewish Defense league? A nationalist activist, he was both a “visionary hero of nationalist Israelis” or a criminal racist, dependent on whose side one was on. He founded the militant anti-Arab Kach party with a platform that called for the annexation of all conquered territories and the forcible removal of all Palestinians. Death to the Arabs is what was heard in the streets of Jerusalem as Palestinians were barricaded from leaving their homes by Israeli soldiers. What I hear is “Death to the Jews.” Why can’t you recognize the insanity of yet another ultra right wing Nationalistic country that sees itself as exceptional? Wake up, Ruth Westheimer. You should lead us in dissent not in a wishful fantasy.

Have you not heard of the Nakba? This is the Palestinian Holocaust, a catastrophe for the people who tragically are the last victims of the Holocaust. No there are no ovens, but there are open air prisons, closed prisons holding thousands of Palestinians including women and children who have not been charged and who remain indefinitely in sordid conditions. Stolen homes. stolen lives.

Lillian Rosengarten
Lillian Rosengarten

Do you not see a repeat of history? Yes it is in another form but similar in the violent , racist nationalistic fervor of Zionist Israelis who somehow have decided the land must belong to them only. How do you see the events? Do you label Palestinians as terrorists and Zionists as victims? This has been a carefully manipulated scenario, a “hasbara” that also uses the memory of the Nazi Holocaust to justify all means to secure a Jewish State only.

Do you not know about Operation Cast Lead, 3 weeks of constant bombings in Gaza, the grimmest of war stories? Daily bombings, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, destruction everywhere, chemicals in the missiles. I saw the effects of depleted uranium and white phosphorous on young children. It was horrible. Birth defects were monstrous, parents grieving, children depressed, unable to have a childhood. The refugee camps intolerable. Open fire, Mediterranean waters infested with raw sewage, fisherman shot , their once thriving fishing industry destroyed, locked gates and hospital without enough medicines, with not enough electricity, with broken generators.

Are you blind, Ruth Westheimer? How is it that you can tolerate such atrocities to occur without saying “No! Never again.” I beg you, educate yourself, read the story of the Palestinian “catastrophe.” Be humble and look to the truth and not a revisionist interpretation of history.

The hope for Israel as a beacon of light is non existent. I grieve to witness the path Zionist Israel has walked. Only for Jews. Now what kind of Democracy is that?

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Thanks Lilian.

“Whoever is not going to give us support, watch out for me” ~Dr. R. Westheimer

“I too am a refugee from Nazi Germany and I am a Jew who must say NO to apartheid, occupation , check points, stolen land, racism and a desire for a Jewish State only obtained through the suffering and blood of Palestinians” ~Lilian Rosengarten

I’m glad you lived and were inspired to write this letter, Lilian. May the Lord continue to bless you.

My sincere thanks, Lillian Rosengarten.

Evocative as your poem, here:

“Rains White Phosphorous Here


Travel with me to the land of sad oranges.
Here children play in refugee camps. Grey, grey the buildings along the narrowest streets.
Stench of garbage, cesspools of sewage no sun, no trees.
Rains white phosphorous here where missiles fall.
White rain burns the skin and organs die.
I am haunted by their faces, eyes speak the unspeakable.
I have seen it all before.
I want to tell them soon it will be over
This tragedy for which there is no forgiveness.
They wonder who I am and so
I show a peace sign, as if to say I am a friend.
“Viva Palestina” they echo after me.

Imagine what it is like for me
Refugee from nazi madness,
To see AGAIN proud people
Demonized as evil, driven from their land, ripped from their roots.
Grimmest of war stories.
Unimaginable horror, collective punishment, life unsustainable
As if we did not know already, how nationalism in it’s cruelest form
Is born of twisted hate and ideology
To cloud all forms of reason.
Sometimes I feel I have lost all reason,
That I simply dream this nightmare of Israel, echo of “death to all Jews.”
Now, “Palestinians don’t exist.””

Lillian Rosengarten, Thanks for saying what used to be the unsayable comparison about the unspeakable: “the Palestinian Holocaust, a catastrophe for the people who tragically are the last victims of the Holocaust. No there are no ovens, but there are open air prisons…holding thousands….Operation Cast Lead, 3 weeks of constant bombings….infrastructure, schools, hospitals, destruction everywhere, chemicals in the missiles…..depleted uranium and white phosphorous on young children. It was horrible. Birth defects were monstrous, parents grieving, children depressed, unable to have a childhood….Open fire, Mediterranean waters infested with raw sewage, fisherman shot, their once thriving fishing industry destroyed, locked gates and hospital without enough medicines, with not enough electricity, with broken generators.” You tell us so much more that I want to quote every syl., so ‘ll just shut it + say that your conscience is as lovely as your beautiful photo, + Thanks for reminding me that I have to be “humble” to see.

Lillian Rosengarten… Thank you , thank you , thank you .!!
I am SO lost for words .

You are so beautiful …inside and out !

Are you blind or do you simply have your head in the sand, in complete denial of Zionist Israel’s racist crimes to rid Israel of Palestinians? Excuse me, but I am reminded of “Deutschland Uber Alles.

How to win friends and influence people, anti-Zionist edition.