58 Seconds

“In all cases the delay given to the civilian Gaza population is very short. The shortest one was 58 sec.”

When I first visited 58 Seconds it felt like I had stepped into a fine arts gallery. With a discerning eye a group of Tunisian photographers launched the website seeking artists’ renderings of the 58 second warning: “When it’s your turn to get Their message you-have no more than 58 seconds * to run away”.

Each photograph is exceptional. The site has issued a call, open to photographers and artists of all nationalities, to send your photographs of this:

Can you believe That is now happening to you? Questions start flowing, “Why me? -have I done something wrong? How to escape and can I run fast enough? You look at your children….which one will you take in your arms and run? What will you do about your bedridden mother? What will you take with you? Family pictures? No, the savings hidden under your bed? …… Do you have time for a phone call? Seek help, say good bye? What Will Be The Last image of this life That Will diseapper in A Few seconds? Where do they want you to go! Do you really-have time for anger? it’s raining bombs outside … Where will you go? You have no where to go, no place to hide!

Will you-have the time for all this wondering? Will you-have time for anything?


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Many thanks for this Annie.

I was over at EI and saw this short film by John Greyson called “Gazonto”. I heartily recommend it:


“Playwright and actor Wallace Shawn has responded to this Anti-Defamation League (ADL) ad blaming Palestinians for Israel’s mass slaughter of children in Gaza.

Shawn’s brilliant “translation” of the ad into plain English is below.

Five hundred and sixteen children are among the 2,142 Palestinians killed by Israel’s current bombardment of the Gaza Strip, according to the latest tally from Al Mezan Center for Human Rights.

The ad, which appeared in The Hollywood Reporter, was signed by a number of show business executives. It quotes an infamous statement by Golda Meir, the American colonial settler in Palestine who became Israel’s prime minister, justifying Israel’s slaughter of Arab children during her time.

Shawn’s response, which also appears in The Hollywood Reporter, is masterful. Here is Shawn’s “translation” of Meir’s words, as they were used in the ADL ad (reproduced in full with permission):

Over the decades, I’ve done quite a bit of work as a translator from various languages, and sometimes when I get home from work, I just can’t stop. Yesterday, for example, I saw an ad in The Hollywood Reporter. It was in English, but its meaning was not immediately obvious at all, so I felt an overwhelming impulse to translate it.

The ad featured a statement that former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir had made in the 1950s about “the Arabs,” but the ad (which leaves out the words “the Arabs”) suggests that “her haunting words” are “as current as today’s headlines. She could have been talking about Hamas.” The quotation, as it appears in the ad, is as follows: “We can forgive [them] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them from forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [them] when they love their children more than they hate us.”

My quick personal translation of this would be: “When we kill the children of Arabs, the Arabs made us do it. They hate us so much, they are so angry, that they do things that enrage us and make us kill children. If they were decent people who loved their children, they would set aside their hatred and stop provoking us, and we would then stop killing the children.”

Sometimes a translator feels compelled to argue with the text he’s just translated, particularly when, as in the case of this ad, one is confronted by a photograph of the author that makes one vividly feel her presence. In this case, I can only say that despite her wise and thoughtful and grandmotherly face, Golda Meir can be interpreted as saying here that she plans to kill the children of Arabs up until the moment when, in her sole judgment, the Arabs stop feeling “hate” and become sufficiently unprovoking and pacified….(con’t..)


Wow, thanks, Annie.

” In all cases the delay given to the civilian Gaza population is very short. The shortest one was 58 sec. »

In many cases, no notice at all was given.

(just noticed that copy/paste from a linked article works)