Does ‘the thief of Jerusalem’ deserve US aid? (Update)

Hell’s been breaking out in East Jerusalem, exacerbated by Israeli settlers occupying 23 more homes in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan on September 30th.

We’re late on this, but Rabbi Jill Jacobs (of the human rights group T’ruah) wrote a killer article published in the Washington Post last week. “You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements,” is a hard-hitting, no-holds-barred informative article that’s fresh and very timely. Jacobs takes a teeth-grindingly-long-argued topic and makes it fresh. I’m not sure I’ve ever even read an article in the mainstream media challenging the legality behind the US tax status of American donations that non profits funnel to Elad, buying up East Jerusalem and placing illegal Jewish settlements on occupied land.

Elad, the settler group that organized this incursion, raises $6 million a year in the United States through the Friends of Ir David Foundation. As a nonprofit, donations to FIDF are tax deductible; funders can write off their gifts, which means that all of us who pay U.S. taxes helped subsidize the new settlement. That’s in direct opposition to official U.S. policy, which seeks a two-state solution and prohibits American aid to settlements over the Green Line.

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, of T'ruah human rights org
Rabbi Jill Jacobs, of T’ruah human rights org

If U.S. policy prohibits American aid to illegal settlements, why can’t it challenge nonprofits using tax subsidies to fund the takeover of occupied Palestine?

After calling Elad’s appropriation of Palestinian property in Jerusalem a “hostile takeover,” Jacobs unleashes a full throttle assault characterizing Elad as representing “the worst kind of thief” in the Torah, and then saying Americans are complicit!

While it will take some time to sort out the legal issues, we can say this: A person who has legally purchased a new home does not generally move in under cover of night, flanked by riot police.

There is a special category in Jewish law for this kind of action. In the Talmud, the students of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai ask why the Torah deals more severely with a burglar than with a mugger. Their teacher’s response: A mugger, who robs face-to-face, fears neither human beings nor God. But a burglar, who sneaks in when no one is looking, is afraid of human beings but shows no fear of God. In its use of subterfuge, shadow companies, and dead-of-night incursions, Elad represents the worst kind of thief.

And Americans, Elad donors and pilgrims to Israel, are, in some indirect but important way, complicit. Jewish law strongly forbids aiding or abetting a thief. In one of the most important guides to Jewish law, Moses Maimonides rules that “It is forbidden to purchase stolen goods from the thief. . . for anyone who does such things or similar ones strengthens the hands of sinners. . . it is [also] forbidden to derive any benefit from a stolen object.” Those of us who donate to Elad, or pay admission to the Ir David archaeological site, aid and abet those who steal homes and land in order to prevent peace. As we ooh and aah over the excavations, we derive pleasure from these thefts.

Note that former Clinton ambassador Marc Ginsberg has landed on the same tax giveaway to Ir David, in a piece at Huffpo slamming the “runaway train” of settlement construction.

Every penny donated to non profits is money stripped from our federal budget, therefore it should buttress, benefit and represent our national interests. And contrary to the idea we’re continually bombarded with by the media, Americans are not enthralled by the amount of ‘aid’ we shovel to Israel as it is.

A recent Google Consumer Survey (interactive) of nearly 1700 respondents fielded by Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) revealed that over 60% of Americans think the 3 billion we give Israel annually is either “Too much” or “Much too much”.

Screenshot: Google Consumer Survey 09/27/14 US Aid to Israel
Screenshot: Google Consumer Survey 09/27/14 US Aid to Israel (interactive options here)


We urge everyone to interact with the Google Consumer Survey and check out the results for the varying demographics of age groups as well as results for distinct regions of the country. For example, 66% of young American adults (25 – 34) said U.S. aid to Israel was excessive. And in rural American over 67% of respondents agreed.

IRmep released a survey of the report American Public Opinion on U.S. Aid to Israel (pdf) by Grant Smith for further analysis.

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I was surprised to see this in WaPo; perhaps it is a good sign. Certainly she deserves credit for saying this. Actually, Hell’s been breaking out for a long time, with U.S. support.

Thanks for this, Annie. Rabbi Jacobs is a truth-teller in two land of liars.

I wonder if it would be possible to produce a graph depicting condemnations of Israel,s policies by prominent Media both in the USA and Europe, say over the last 24 months.One thing is for sure, those condemnations are increasing exponentially since “Pinpoint ” op , protective slaughter and are likely to increase in the coming months as more and more people lose their fear of being called Jew haters and antisemites.

The jig is up for project Zion.As Aminadinnerjacket forecast, it is heading for the bin of history.

“If U.S. policy prohibits American aid to illegal settlements, why can’t it challenge nonprofits using tax subsidies to fund the takeover of occupied Palestine”.

A good question. But, since money is fungible, and since the GoI “aids illegal settlements” by funding much for settlers in OPTs including subsidies to settlers of various kinds, road building, etc., and also police and army “protection” for the settlers (when it s/b for the “protected persons” a/k/a Palestinians) — gasp — then why is not the USA’s own contribution to GoI of $3B/year –[ coming up for a vote VERY SOON and at a time when due to sequestration money is being cut out of most federal budgets including the military’s which they need to deal with and avoid climate change ]– also prohibited? Write your Congressperson and Senators!

Annie, There is a panel at George Mason University on the ICC and Palestine on 20th October 2014, on operation protective edge: Legal and Political implications of ICC prosecution.
With George Basharat, Noura Erakat, Kevin Jon Heller, David Lubin and Margaret DeGuzman. It will be live screened. Details here..