Tablet types Rev. Shipman as elite, anti-semitic WASP

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The racism of this interviewer astounds me. Also the unprofessionalism involved. No one will even bother to call him out on his racism even though he showed it in such blatant fashion.

But of course you speak for the Church of the Queen, and English imperialism, and all of these things, right? – See more at:
The Old North Church in Boston with the lights by sea or land for Paul Revere was Episcopalian. The church in the US is different than the British one.

Yes there’s anti-Semitism in the U.S., I believe it worked against Joseph Lieberman getting the vice presidency. ~ Phil

I am not sure why you say that. Do you mean an Obama-Lierbeman ticket?
Maybe Obama just wanted someone different from Gore’s campaign. Obama is a black president, and blacks are the main subjects of US racism.

“How rich are you?”

How rich is Elie Wiesel? Exploiting the Holocaust pays very well from what I hear. What a shame he lost a chunk of change to Bernie Madoff.

There is so much wrong–morally and factually–with MO’s universe that it would be tedious to analyze it all: there is so much projection and denial, so much tribalism and simple ugliness. Philip deserves credit for taking it on.

It is bizarre to think that WASPs are all rich and privileged, or that America is an antisemitic society. I’ve previously linked here more than once to the recent Pew poll that shows that Jews are American’s favorite religious group, apart from their own. Of course, some WASPs are rich, and of course some people hold negative views about Jews, but MO’s comments reveal an inner pathology that deserves its own name.

British Imperialism died about the time Israel was born. The Protest Episcopal Church in the United States elected Bishop Gene Robinson, earning the wrath of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The first Episcopal bishop in America was ordained by a Scottish bishop, because the Brits didn’t think the colonials were worthy of their own bishop.

Mark Oppenheimer’s bias and ignorance are classic. He doesn’t even care that he’s an ignoramus.