
Iran deal is important to ‘keep really big bad things from happening,’ Bill Clinton says

Bill Clinton gave a lecture at Georgetown today and came out four-square for the Iran deal. Minute 1:09:

I think that it is unlikely that these ideologically driven conflicts we’re having now with non-state actors will be fully resolved. I hope and pray that we will leave behind a system where we can say with some confidence that we can keep really big, bad things from happening. That’s why this negotiation with Iran is so important. Maybe for reasons that haven’t been much in the press. For example, if they get a bomb, then there’s four or five Arab countries that can afford one. You got six more people with nuclear capacity. They’re expensive to build, maintain and very expensive to secure. And if you’re going to have a bomb that you can use, you got to have excess fissile material, and that’s what you’ll have to watch in Europe. What about the excess? Because any country that uses a big bomb knows that it can be annihilated, but that fissile material– I consider it a minor miracle of the modern world, that the fissile stocks of Pakistan, as far as we know, even though Mr. [Ayub] Khan gave all the nuclear technology to North Korea and others– as far as we know, their materials have not been stolen sold or given away. So I don’t think we have to worry about all that.

So maybe those who are interpreting Haim Saban’s fulsome statement about Hillary Clinton being behind Israel to mean that she’s against the Iran deal, they’re wrong…

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Haim Saban is wrong. Both Hillary and Bill want a two-state solution, as does the entire globalist-financial community, which has significant Jewish membership but is diverse, not monolithic, and which has been guiding the Obama administration from the outset and more or less controls the Democratic Party. Hillary’s appointment of Gary Gensler tells us quite a lot. The Jeffrey Epstein scandal is a reminder to the Clintons that they will not be sovereign, they will take orders. Regarding Israel/Palestine, they will agree with the orders they are given. Saban’s assignment is to do the best he can with the Clintons. He won’t be able to do much.

On the other side of the aisle, Phil reported yesterday on how Braman does not like Jeb Bush. The Israel hawks should be afraid of the Bush family at this point because they (the Israel hawks) commandeered the Bush/Cheney administration and badly tainted the Bush family name, in a way that Jeb and his parents do not appreciate one little bit.

That is why the Israel hawks are backing Marco Rubio. They hope that he can beat Jeb in the Florida primary and derail Jeb’s campaign.

They have taken a hard look at Ted Cruz and have seemingly remained lukewarm at best. I think Cruz might be secretly aligned with the globalists. He is quite well educated and his wife works for Goldman Sachs, which makes his yahoo-extremist persona seem potentially fake. I think his role might be to get the nomination and lose the general. And if he wins it, we might find that he’s not who he seemed to be.

I don’t understand how anyone can have high expectations for Scott Walker, and in any event there are reports that he is related to George Herbert Walker, George Herbert Walker Bush, and George Walker Bush. So he is not to be trusted by the Israel hawks, either.

They don’t have much to work with, and I don’t think that the next President will be loyal to them and their global strategic vision.

This babyish behavior by Reps is nothing new in Congress generally. Congress takes orders from big money always. Banks, defense, oil, Zion, pharma, agri, anti-food-labelling, etc.

They don’t see it as “bad” just as business as usual, but their constituents might get mad if enough of a stink were made. MSM are also on the take and do not make the required stink. American voters might like Israel but not like “Jewish” control of Congress. Something to watch for.

And what does Hillary think of this? I wouldn’t be surprised if we will have a variation of this classic SNL skit:


Politicians want to do good things . But the self interest prevent them . Ignorance and grandiosity also imperil any genuine attempt even when the politicians could deliver better decision and effective leadership.
Clinton belonged to the former. Bush Cheney belonged to the later. Now the GOP candidate will be chosen in a way that these two dangerous situations will be combined .
Money takes care of the self interest and the gallery of the rogue neocon advisors take care of the willful or organic ignorance that played the part in causing the violent presidency of Bush -Cheney.

Just about the only way to understand the apparent contradicting statements from many key figures is to see this move with Iran as a huge gamble that necessarily comes with ambiguity. So, inevitably, there are a lot of good cops and bad cops whose positions represent the many aspects of the deal and this game will be with us for a long time.