Media Analysis

Real-world impact: You and Mondoweiss can change minds

You probably already know how easy it is to share Mondoweiss content online, and we’ll continue to give pointers on how to maximize the impact when you do. We’ll also continue to ask you to invest in improved tools for the site by donating to build new capacity at Mondoweiss.

But today as part of our ‘Be the Mondoweiss Megaphone‘ campaign we’re looking beyond the social media and “clicktivism” that dominate most discussion of how to influence people. While online contact is easy, don’t neglect the many opportunities in your daily routine to reach people through live conversation and traditional media.

Letters to the Editor

One of the most influential ways you can share your views is through letters to local or national news outlets. If a news article reproduces the Israeli government’s talking points without question, take the reporter and editor to task. You can find information on Mondoweiss to counter just about any misrepresentation.

On the other hand, if a report provides fair, accurate coverage—such as the 60 Minutes piece a few years ago profiling Palestinian Christians—it is important to let the editor know that the audience appreciates excellent journalism. You can be sure they are hearing from those who oppose it!

If you write a thoughtful response that doesn’t get published, think about sharing it with us through Tracking coverage in the mainstream media is one of the ways we gauge public opinion and efforts to control it.


Northeastern chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. (Photo courtesy of Northeastern SJP)
Northeastern chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. (Photo courtesy of Northeastern SJP)

If you’re a college student, faculty, or school parent, your community is explicitly committed to exploring ideas. You can introduce content about Israel/Palestine in a variety of ways, ranging from organizing public forums or cultural events to challenging biased texts or curriculum. Even without public action, you can make a difference by sharing your beliefs in the campus community.

Religious institutions

Meet up with other Mondoweiss readers.
Meet up with other Mondoweiss readers.

If you belong to a church or other faith community that has not taken a stand on Israel/Palestine, educate your fellow members. Introduce a resolution to support boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS). If there is resistance, propose a discussion group or committee to explore the issue.

If you belong to a synagogue or temple, you may face greater hostility. You are the best judge of your own comfort level and the most effective ways to shift debate.

Bear witness everywhere you go

Pitzer College mock apartheid wall
Pitzer College mock apartheid wall

In everyday conversation, mention your views on Palestine. Even without extended discussion, calmly sharing your position has an impact. People who seem indifferent or unreachable will be affected over time by your expressing your views consistently and without anger. Some people may not be ready to talk about their doubts, but hearing similar thoughts from those they respect can help them loosen the grip of community censorship.

Invest in truth-telling

Mondoweiss brings the world essential facts and ideas voiced by those ignored elsewhere. The louder we can make those voices—the larger the audience who hears them—the sooner Palestinian demands for justice will be addressed.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Mondoweiss today.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Mondoweiss today.

Your energy, commitment and time can do a lot to amplify the voices Mondoweiss publishes. But to increase Mondoweiss’s impact, we also need you to provide financial support. We are proud of the content we’ve been able to deliver using minimal resources, but we have plans for the site that will only be possible if our budget grows.

For example, we’d like to hire staff dedicated to maximizing our use of social media, creating eye-catching infographics for all our readers to use. We’d also like to create a YouTube channel with original video reporting from Palestine.

We have tons of ideas to serve you better—if you invest to turn up the volume. So far, 126 people have given over $10,500 toward the $50,000 campaign goal. Can you join them? If just 3% of our daily visitors donate $50, we will exceed the goal.

We know you value the voices and information in Mondoweiss in the effort to shift U.S. policy and help millions living under apartheid. Please give today—be the Mondoweiss megaphone—to share them with people who need a wake-up call!