Media Analysis

Thank you to Mondoweiss’s growing community, spreading the word near and far

Four weeks ago tomorrow, we announced our midyear fundraising campaign, “Be The Mondoweiss Megaphone.” We set an ambitious goal of $50,000 in donations—more than twice what the site has raised during the same period in other years. Today we are thrilled, humbled and grateful to announce that your contributions have exceeded the goal—and gifts are still coming in! Now, as we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we want to put your support and the site’s progress in context.

We set our fundraising sights high this time for two reasons. First, constant developments in the movement for justice in Israel/Palestine demand ever more from Mondoweiss’s journalists; and second, we have seen inspiring growth in the size, engagement and influence of the Mondoweiss community.

Thousands of people see Mondoweiss articles through shares on Facebook and Twitter, and our audience on the site itself continues to grow rapidly. Total views in May 2015 were nearly a million—growth of more than 20 percent over the same month in 2014. A year ago, close to 4,000 people subscribed to our daily email feed—up from 2,000 the year before that. Now, we have more than 8,000 subscribers. And the weekly newsletter curated by Mondoweiss staff that we introduced last month is closing in on 300 subscribers. (If you missed the announcement, you can sign up here.)

While we are proud of the work our staff and contributors do, we know that none of it would be possible without the remarkable community we serve. Since August 1, 2014 we have received support from 970 people, almost twice the number in the previous year (501). About 82% of donors are in the U.S., 5% in Canada, and 5% in Great Britain and Ireland combined. About 3% are elsewhere in Europe, and 2% are in Australia and New Zealand combined. The rest are scattered through the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean (wouldn’t you love to know that one person in Martinique?).

Within the U.S., the largest numbers of donors are in New York State, California, New England and the DC and Chicago areas. These regions combined make up two-thirds of U.S. Mondoweiss supporters.

We appreciate greatly the commitment shown by our readers to sharing information and ideas as broadly as possible. Your support enables in-depth reporting on the fight for Palestinian rights—on the ground, in the U.S., and around the world. And your personal stories give additional depth to the picture we try to present of a movement constantly growing and changing.

Although our formal campaign is closing today, we will continue to ask for readers’ accounts of their own journey to awareness and/or activism. We expect to create an archive category so that these stories can be accessed and compared. Please join those who have shared their history by sending yours to

And even with the campaign over, we are always grateful to accept contributions to continue and expand Mondoweiss’s work. Click here to see how dollars and cents are used, and stay tuned to learn of exciting new plans for the site.

We are fortunate beyond words to have a passionate, generous, thoughtful community. Thank you for all you do.

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Bravo to Adam, Scott, and Philip, for this seminal site.
And bravo to the many many contributors from around the world,
seeking a way out of the profound malaise the creation of the Zionist state has created, not only for the Palestinians who have suffered most, and not only in the Middle East, but around the world.

,@- lonely rico !

multiple Dittos ! Plus annie, Allison et al…….!!

“Bravo to Adam, Scott, and Philip, for this seminal site. And bravo to the many many contributors from around the world, seeking a way out of the profound malaise the creation of the Zionist state has created, not only for the Palestinians who have suffered most, and not only in the Middle East, but around the world. ”