
Ad targeting Sen. Bennet says Iran wants to nuke the world’s children

2016 is getting more interesting by the minute. This scare ad targets Michael Bennet of Colorado for supporting the Iran Deal. A conservative group is behind it. The production values really fall off in this ad near the end; it looks like a house fire to me.

Bennet won his seat in 2010 by just two points, 48-46. Obama won by a tidy margin in 2012, 51-46.

At that link, a Democratic leader in Colorado calls ad deeply offensive and fear mongering.

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How original! Can’t they find new material, or do they think nobody remembers the 1964 ‘Daisy Girl’ TV ad run by LBJ against Goldwater? Only difference, Iran is the new USSR, and this ad is run by Republicans!

I talk to a lot of people who would be judged “low info voters” by the makers of this ad. NONE of them are stupid enough and/or prone to be swayed by these types of ads.

Just the opposite, it’s seen as condescending and a turn off, probably put together by Jews (wink, wink) or Jewish interests in an effort to manipulate them. That last self-awareness bit is important and has been a revelation to me. These types of ads dig the hole deeper. The more such blatant BS is condescendingly crammed down normal people’s throats, the more resistance is developed. It’s all so positively…alienating.

Now that’s not to say there are not truly ignorant and/or terminally cynical/bigoted voters out there who fully subscribe to this baloney, but I believe they’re far fewer than the producers of these ads assume.

It would be great if these lying bullies triggered Senator Bennet to put the full truth on the table about Israel’s war profiteering criminals, and their assault on America’s freedom of speech and democracy. People like a new story, especially when it’s true. One of those “Everything you thought you knew about Israel is wrong” kinds of stories. Facts would come flooding out. It would really get everyone talking. He could eventually receive the Congressional Medal Honor for defending America against enemies foreign and domestic.

RE: “Ad targeting Sen. Bennet says Iran wants to nuke the world’s children”

MY COMMENT: I suggest we organize the Emergency Committee for Michael Bennet (ECMB)! ! !

These ads work, no matter how stupid and obvious they are; that’s the reason the Polls show American public has trended against the Iran Deal, the fear ads. Bernays, Goebbels, still in the saddle although dead. Actually, go back to Mein Kampf. The repeated big lie.