
Triumphalist light show in Jerusalem weaponizes the city walls to celebrate 50th anniversary of Jewish conquest

Back in the States, I wondered whether the commemorations of the Six Day War in Israel would be marked by reflection and even expressions of misgivings, after 50 years of occupation, but when I got out here I saw how mistaken I was. They’re triumphalist!

Below is a video I took of part of the light show/concert celebrating the conquest of Jerusalem on May 21, near Jaffa Gate outside the Old City. This segment was a dramatization of the history of Jerusalem, and about 30 seconds in, it announces “1967” on the wall, and then– well see for yourself! It seemed to me like they were weaponizing the Old City walls. A lot of smoke and guns and destruction, and rumbling tumbling stones. As for the music, well it’s like that old saying, justice is to military justice as music is to military music.

This Saturday night in Tel Aviv there’s a demonstration against the 50th anniversary of occupation organized by Peace Now and New Israel Fund. But I doubt there will be anything like the numbers at this light show– tens of thousands of people jammed into the street, mainly secular, a bit raucous, a few ultra Orthodox peeking in from the edges, and every mother’s son and daughter of em committed to a Jewish Jerusalem, forever. With no real concern for the other religions that have a stake in this beautiful city, let alone the crazy idea of a Palestinian capital.

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Wow, a sea of cell phones, like a rock concert. This rally seemed eerie. Thanks for sharing!

This reminds me of Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph Des Willens” (“Triumph of the Will”).

the eruption of war-like light show after the 67 — i mean wow. incredible video. i don’t even know what to say about it. after 50 years, proud conquerers. nary a smidgen of remorse in evidence for what they have done.

Decades ago, when I lived in Jerusalem, I happened to walk by the Tower of David (the citadel shown in Phil’s video) as a Palestinian tour guide explained the site to his group. I was bemused to hear the Palestinian tour guide say that, whereas the Jews call it The Tower of David, it’s actually a minaret and an Arab site. I wondered if he would get into trouble with the authorities for saying such a terrible thing.
How perfect that the iconic symbol of the Jewish conquest of Jerusalem is a mosque. It’s not just the oranges and the falafel that Israelis have appropriated even a Muslim holy site is imagined by the Israelis as Jewish.

Philip Weiss continues to prove he has no idea what he is talking about.
“With no real concern for the other religions that have a stake in this beautiful city”.

Maybe he should refer to this JPost editorial ‘Europe and religious freedom‘ and try to avoid making nonsense statements that keep proving his credibility is zero.

“Israel should be held up as an example of how it is possible for a country to maintain a strong religious identity while at the same time upholding the religious rights of minorities. Muslims and Christians enjoy extensive religious freedom in the State of Israel. There is no contradiction between ethnic-basic or religious-based nationalism and liberalism. In fact, the opposite is true. Those who have pride in their own ethnicity or religious tradition are more able to appreciate this sentiment in others.”

But not in Europe where there are campaigns to ban circumcision, ritual slaughter and the wearing of religious head gear.

“Despite its many security challenges, Israel manages to maintain a robust and vibrant democracy that respects the religious rights of minorities. Europeans have much to learn from the Jewish state about upholding religious rights under difficult conditions.”