
Wake Up! (Leftwing Israeli Injured by Pipe-Bomb Warns of ‘Disintegration of Democracy’)

A truly disturbing and shocking story from Israel of an attack on leftwing prof/columnist Ze'ev Sternhell (lately quoted by Eric Alterman in the Nation). He walked out of his door in Jerusalem at midnight and a pipe bomb went off. Police suspect Jewish extremists connected to settlers. Sternhell from his hospital bed: "the very occurrence of the incident goes to
illustrate the fragility of Israeli democracy, and the urgent need to
defend it with determination and resolve."

For me, so far away, this is a story about Reality and Denial. What is the crisis in Israel's soul brought on by occupation and apartheid? Who in the States is talking plainly about this new reality (besides Lustick, Alterman, Mearsheimer)? What can progressives and lovers of human rights do to change that society? How long will the Israel lobby deny it? Where is Bernard-Henri Levy with his sable tresses?

Says my tipster:  "The sad truth is, the situation in Israel only gets worse with time. This is a country in real trouble. And the American Jewish community, at least the part that cares the most about Israel, will respond by sticking its collective head deeper and deeper into the sand. How could such a smart and accomplished people be so foolish!"

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