
What do a Jewish state and a Catholic table have in common?

From Ynet:

“It is silly to talk about a Jewish state,” Sarkozy said while referring to the Israeli demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state. “It would be like saying that this table is Catholic. There are two million Arabs in Israel.”

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These 2M Arabs are like the famous 6M Jews except that they were graciously allowed to remain, and not murdered at all, when they could just as well have been expelled (and expelled just as legally as the Arabs who WERE expelled in 1948). Lieberman — master politician and legal theorist — probably believes they can STILL be expelled. They are thus as good as gone. So they can properly be treated as already gone. So, you see, it IS ALREADY a Jewish state. (Darn those liberal crybabies who cannot see such an easy explanation without being led by the hand!)

The 2M Arabs should just count their blessings, surely, and not insist on injecting a non-Jewish tincture into what anyone can see was intended to be a “Jewish State” (even if it was never so-called until recently) (and whatever its declaration of independence may say about equality — declaration/schmeklaration).

OT but did anyone else have difficulty linking to comments in Lizzy Ratner’s post above?

The shift in media and the words of various politicians is very encouraging. The shift it small, but with increasing encouragement from Jewish pundits, the fear seems to be fading. In the coming year it could snowball and like the Egyptians who lost their fear, the truth on Israel might come rushing forth. For the benefit of all sides. The dam was built in the early 1900s but truth is breaking through and the world’s concience will welcome the flood. Moral informed Jews will welcome the flood. Everyone will welcome the flood, and it might lift us all above this intractable conflict in time.

Surely you jest?

Sarkozy is a bit… unpredictable. I guess the most definitive thing you can say about him is he’s thoroughly secular.