
Gaza scoreboard


Ami Kaufman at +972 picked this up. Channel 10’s scoreboard on the Gaza hostilities. “Well, here’s the score from this weekend’s game, as Israel’s Channel 10 sees it (I’d like to point out that their “score” includes children, as well).” Better than Cast Lead… Nothing more to say.

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We’ll watch this and call a guy who “loves” the society that produces this disgusting racist bile “a national treasure” like I saw the other day on a thread here.

Sorry, you don’t get to “love” Israel and still maintain any sense of universal humanity. And Im not backing down from that.

“I shall always choose the Jewish cause. Not blindly, not arbitrarily, but with full knowledge of who I am and where I must be. ”

Well, here it is. 25-0 for the cause. Disgusting.

Scoreboard since 2000

A great site to order brochures info etc to hand out and leave where ever you go

This is the most dreadful image. A war blandly incorporated into the ritual framework of weekend sport.

Is there any glimmer here? If Israel’s war on Palestine were a sport, would there be rules? Would fans accumulate for the underdog? Would they appoint a referee? Would they soon practice the ritual and not the thing itself?

Just one last thing – and this will be it for me here: People get to hate Zionism. People get to loathe Zionists, whatever they call themselves – liberal or otherwise. And yes, people get to dislike those who speak in platitudes about Israel.

No one is taken seriously or thought to be a moral person if they go running around talking about how Soviet Communism (for example) was a worthy cause as they slaughtered and starved people – but because jewish israeli’s are jewish, we have to say nothing in regards to Israel and their defenders. MJ Rosenberg, your boy, being one of them.

You all have a glaring moral blind spot. And yes, Mondoweiss is indeed becoming “The best Liberal Zionist Website” Going. See y’all later………..

It’s just another sign of how sick the mainstream Zionist mentality has become. Presumably you need to educate this kind of sociopathy over many years into the population to get a situation where one of the national channels will broadcast such a feature and know that it will be accepted without question. I wonder what thinking Israelis think when they see such crap.

If Israelis were familiar with how things are done in other countries perhaps their culture would be less dysfunctional . I just can’t imagine the BBC showing a graphic of Taliban vs British dead