
Jews are smarter, and funnier too

From Haaretz: “What makes Jews so smart?” By Manuel Trajtenberg:

The intellectual success of the Jews in the modern era and their prominence in occupations in the realms of commerce, medicine and finance since the Middle Ages are among the most challenging mysteries in the long history of the Jewish people.

Zvi Eckstein and Maristella Botticini present in their book “The Chosen Few,” recently translated into Hebrew by Inga Michaeli ‏(Tel Aviv University Press‏), a revolutionary thesis about the development of the Jews’ relative advantage in occupations that necessitated literacy and education: After the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E., the survival of the Jewish religion demanded that every Jew learn to read and write, and acquire knowledge-acquisition skills; whoever was unable to do so − became assimilated. Thus, out of necessity, the Jews found themselves possessed with skills that proved critical for their economic development.

Comedian Robert Klein and writer Lawrence Richards talking on public radio in NY about their new movie, a portrait of a generation of comics in the 50s and 60s.

Robert Klein: All cultures laugh I’m sure, but I believe that the Jewish culture is especially given to humor. Maybe it has to do with oppression. I feel the same way about Irish culture. There was American slave humor. There was even concentration camp humor…

Richards:  We also touch… on some of the issues that you almost have to to try to convey elements that deserve to be at least mentioned: Why there are so many Jewish comedians. One of the reasons for the creation of the film was this amazing stat, that a poll was taken in the early 70s, and Jewish people represented at that time, I don’t think it’s changed that much, about 3 percent of the population but about 80 percent of the comedians.

Klein repeated the claim on a weekend show on National Public Radio:

Jacki Lyden: What was the connection between Jewish humor and the Catskills? Why were so many people coming from New York City itself and why had a lot of people congregated there from the diaspora around Europe?

KLEIN: Well, of course, we’re talking about people who settled in New York. It was only about 90 miles away. It was inexpensive in the small places. And, of course, humor has always been a very, very important part of the Jewish culture. I daresay all cultures laugh. But let’s face it, Jews are overrepresented in professional comedy by an enormous amount and underrepresented in the priesthood. But…

I grew up with these beliefs. Maybe they were true once. But hanging on to them in this era of Jewish power and cultural prominence seems like uninterrogated vanity. 

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“Robert Klein: All cultures laugh I’m sure, but I believe that the Jewish culture is especially given to humor. Maybe it has to do with oppression. ”

Which oppression would that be.The oppression of Jews or Jews oppressing Palestinians.

I doubt the Palestinians see room for levity in their neck of the woods.

A far more convincing historical thesis was put forth by sociologist Stephen Steinberg in his book “The Ethnic Myth”, in a chapter about what Steinberg termed the “Jewish Horatio Alger Myth”

Here is an important section from an article written back in 2000 by anti-racism activist, author and educator Tim Wise discussing this general topic and citing Steinberg’s work among others

“The truth is always more complex than the fantasy. Read Stephen Steinberg’s The Ethnic Myth: Fact is, Jews haven’t all been successful, and pretending otherwise harms the less-than-affluent Jews who, thanks to the triumphalist image, are perceived as especially flawed in some way. Even as Glazer and others were developing the Jewish Horatio Alger image in the ’60s and ’70s, fifteen percent of Jews in New York City were poor or near poor, as were twelve percent of Jews nationally. About a third of Jewish men at this time were working class, not the professionals and scholars portrayed by stereotype.

And Jews who came to America and succeeded hardly came with nothing. Jews from Russia came with experience in manufacturing, commerce, or as artisans: three expanding economic sectors in the ‘New World.’ It wasn’t our culture or values that were impeccable, but rather, our timing. Our experience in the garment and textile industries fit perfectly with an economy where those industries were growing 2-3 times faster than the economy as a whole. Indeed, two-thirds of Jewish immigrants between 1899 and 1910 were skilled laborers, compared to forty-nine percent of English immigrants, fifteen percent of Southern Italians, thirteen percent of the Irish, and six percent of Poles. And blacks, no matter their skills, abilities or ambitions, were locked out of the sectors open to many Jews, seeing as how for most of this period, ninety percent were still serfs on the national plantation known as the American South.

When my great-grandfather came to America in 1910, though he was poor, and a religious minority, he was offered work the very first day that was off limits to African Americans whose families had been here for over 200 years. Not yet fully ‘white,’ he was nonetheless favored over America’s untermenschen. Over time, if he played the game, and tried hard to forget the old world ways that had kept his family and people alive, and if he took special care not to teach his children Yiddish, nor act or speak too Jewish, then he could work, save some money, send his child (my grandfather) to a college blacks couldn’t attend, who would then be able to get a house in a suburb where blacks couldn’t live, and send his children, including my father to schools that were segregated. He was a hard worker, to be sure, but one whose hard work was met by access to an opportunity structure. No shame in that, but also no model minority.

And the much-heralded Jewish cultural emphasis on education is also largely mythical. As anthropologist Miriam Slater has noted, and as Selma Berrol’s study of Jewish experience in New York City confirms, economic mobility and success — largely due to the above-mentioned good timing, pre-existing skills, and apartheid barriers elevating us over blacks — came before substantial educational gains in the Jewish community. In the early part of the century, the average American Jew (supposedly part of a culture with a special affinity for education) was a 7th grade dropout, and working class Jewish kids typically received no greater level of schooling than other working class immigrant children. Indeed, a look at pre-immigrant Jewish ‘education’ makes clear that to whatever degree learning was valued, it was largely Talmud-based instruction, for males only: hardly indicative of a special love of the life of the mind.”

“I grew up with these beliefs. Maybe they were true once.”

These beliefs are myths. Otherwise, how can one explain that the wisest medieval Jew (still celebrated) was an underling of a philosopher called Averroes? If Jews held more power, the wisest medieval Muslim would well have been an underling of a Jewish philosopher. How do heralded identities fare in different times? It has everything to do with power, liberality (as opposed to the establishment “liberalism”), opportunity, patronisation and the socio-economic landscape. People usually get to act smart and funny when they are privileged in the first place.

“But hanging on to them in this era of Jewish power and cultural prominence seems like uninterrogated vanity.”

Yes, and let’s interrogate this belief briefly. Consider: if someone genuinely believes that Jewish people are smarter than gentiles, what does this imply?

Well, for one thing, it necessarily means that black people, or at least all blacks who are not Ethiopian Jews, are intellectually inferior to Jews!

Yet if a white person were to say such a thing, it’s likely the same person crowing about Jewish excellence would ferociously condemn them.

You’ll notice that it’s acceptable in public and in respectable circles to proclaim Jewish intelligence. But we’re not supposed to notice what this entails: non-Jewish stupidity. How can you condemn racism towards blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities when you agree that they’re intellectually inferior, either as a result of a deficient culture or inadequate genes?

When you frame it this way it becomes clear that what we’re dealing with here is not simply vanity or hubris, but naked racial bigotry. And when you connect it to the issue of ethnic-networking that Philip has previously addressed on this site, you have the makings of a serious social problem.

“All cultures laugh I’m sure, but I believe that the Jewish culture is especially given to humor.”

Well, whadyaknow, Israelis are not Jews then, I guess…