
Purported IDF video has men laughing as Palestinian is brutally killed

This video, lately posted on Facebook, is said by our source to be a leaked Israel Defense Forces video that shows the killing of a Palestinian civilian carrying a white flag during the assault on Gaza in December ’08-January ’09.

While it is not clear to us that the target of the killing is carrying a white flag, the video soundtrack includes Israelis observing the killing and laughing at the brutality of the attack– something like the famous Collateral Murder video from Baghdad in 2007 leaked by Wikileaks.

Our source forwarded an email in Arabic from the person who uploaded it, stating:

his message translates into: the incident took place in an unspecified location of eastern Gaza in the Cast Lead war. it has recently been leaked.

Here is a translation from Ofer of the Hebrew soundtrack on the video at about :50, which he assumed was of soldiers:

First soldier: Now pay close attention to what happens in 3 seconds
Second soldier: his head gets severed
First soldier: And…beautiful! His head lands [on the ground]

The one-minute-long Facebook post contains two videos. The first is of two people in the doorway of a house; a woman waves a white flag. The second shows two figures walking in a field. One appears to carry a white flag that flutters when he or she is struck down. It is unclear whether the two videos in the Facebook post are from the same incident.

The Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Commission on the Gaza conflict documented several instances of  Israelis firing on and killing Palestinians holding up white flags. Note especially Chapter XI, Deliberate Attacks against the Civilian Population, beginning on page 158. In a couple of cases, that investigation documented women emerging from houses waving white flags and being shot at.

The famous “Collateral Murder” video of a US Apache gunship attack in 2007 in Baghdad that killed 11, including a Reuters employee, was documented in a military video released by Wikileaks in 2010. The video includes this exchange:

Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards.


Good shoot.

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Murders by monsters……..wearing the uniforms of the “democracies”.

My blood is running cold and hot at the same time. It’s murder– nothing less. What our soldiers did with the attack on the Iraqis was coldblooded, premeditated murder, too.

Thanks to the whistle blower. If more folks only knew…….

In the collateral video the shooters were in a helicopter at a distance shooting at unarmed people. This is in many ways worse they are deliberatly shooting at unarmed old people waving a white flag

I’m truly shocked by the execution image.

But I’m not shocked at all at the expressions of casual hate from the zionist army. I think this is normal, standard fare in the idf, in the settler colonies and in big chunks of isreali civilian life.

Maybe oleg (current idf-er) and jonS (ex idf-er) can share with us a nugget or two about assaults on unarmed civilians waving white flags.

will hopmhi argue that whoever released this video ‘broke the law?

Why no translation?