
US aid to Egypt is not for Egypt but Israel, JJ Goldberg explains

At the Forward, JJ Goldberg gets to the bottom of US policy: he says US aid to Egypt cannot be withheld because it’s “bad for the Jews.”

the course of action that seems self-evidently proper to right-minded Americans — punishing the Egyptian military, ending military cooperation, suspending aid — will almost certainly have a catastrophic impact on Israel’s peace with Egypt….

America’s billion-dollar-plus annual aid package to Egypt does not exist for Egypt’s benefit, but for Israel’s. It’s the carrot, or bribe, that keeps Egypt faithful to its peace treaty with Israel, despite its enormous unpopularity on the Egyptian street. That treaty is critical to Israel.

I think Goldberg is right; and this is the reason that the US will not suspend aid. I have often stated here that the US supported a dictatorship in Egypt for decades because of US support for Israel– that the self-determination of 80 million Arabs counted for nothing when it came to the US determination to maintain a Jewish garrison state that was established by war and preserved by force.
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There we have it. Apparently when a jew say these things its ok, if a non jew would say this, it would be called antisemitism.

On topic – Nasty that US support this new dictatorship in Egypt just because of israeli interests.
How many massacres do we have to witness before any western state say enough is enough?!

This is news? Certainly no one in his or her right mind didn’t think it was anything other than a bribe for the Apartheid state’s benefit.

How come there is an Israeli Lobby-pushed War Against Syria and an Israeli Lobby pushed-Egyptian Coup taking place right now?

Could it have anything to do with the Israeli Lobby’s desperate efforts to ignite some sort of conflagration in the Middle East going, in order to prop up the Apartheid Israeli state, at this crucial juncture?

Once Netanyahu and his Lobby in the US couldn’t get Iran – they went for Plan B.

Until Israeli Apartheid is dealt with – there will always be a TROVE of problems in the Middle East taking our eyes off the ball. Israel and her Lobby wouldn’t and won’t have it any other way

In Syria the Lobby used Saudi Arabia and Qatar – for Egypt they used Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Gee – without this Israeli Lobby-desired mayhem – the whole world might be focused on ending these phony peace talks and rather supporting Palestine with taking the Israelis to the ICC

Until Israeli Apartheid is ended – there will always be a TROVE of problems in the Middle East that seem to crop up at the most opportune times, taking our eye off the ball on getting to the root of the problem – Israeli Apartheid and the Israeli Lobby/Israeli-generated US Foreign policy oriented at keeping it alive. The Israeli Lobby wouldn’t and won’t have it any other way

Without the massive ‘US support’ (read Israeli Lobby-generated policiies) for both Syria (thru the bases in Jordan, etc) and the massvie ‘US Support’ for Mubarak and the Egyptian Military and against Iran – the whole MIddle East picture would be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT

“US supported a dictatorship in Egypt for decades because of US support for Israel”

Perfectly correct. The US is at war with Egypt. On the one side are the Egyptian people, and on the other side are the US supported military dictatorship, the USA, and Israel.

This has all happened to Egypt before. The British position in the 1880s was the same as the American position today. British and European investors financed the Suez canal for their own benefit; the only Egyptian beneficiaries were the semi independent Ottoman viceroy (Khedive) and his cronies; the people of Egypt benefitted little from the canal. Egyptians came to realize there country was being used by foreigners in conjunction with a corrupt local elite, and a revolted led by a leader called Orabi. The British sent in the troops, arrested Orabi, and put the Khedive back in power.

Morsi is a 21st century Orabi; the US doesn’t have to send in troops as of yet, because the Egyptian military are just like so many mercenaries; but who knows, maybe Israel/USA will intervene militarily in a more obvious fashion to ensure that Egypt is run for western/Israeli interests, rather than for that of the Egyptian people.

How many billions (trillions?) of dollars have American taxpayers spent since the 1950s to the present to make the world safe for Israel and Jewish nationalism?

The multi-trillion dollar failed war against Iraq was instigated primarily by neoconservatives (most of them Jewish nationalists) who were convinced that invading and crushing Iraq would be good for Israel (and “good for the Jews”).

The entire Global War on Terror, and its associated wars and expensive “homeland security” (domestic police state) programs, has been spearheaded by pro-Israel neoconservatives and neoliberals in both the Republican and Democratic Parties.

The American economy has been severely damaged by these policies and the American middle class continues to collapse. Domestic programs for Americans are shrinking; infrastructure is crumbling. A small group of billionaires and hectomillionaires continues to acquire ever greater wealth and near dictatorial control of the American political system.

When will the leaders of these disastrous policies finally be held accountable for their deeds? And when that moment arrives, will it be too late to restore America to its former greatness?