‘Haaretz’ says Netanyahu could incite ‘another political assassination’ (as ‘NYT’ runs cutesy election coverage)

The lead editorial in yesterday’s Haaretz is titled: “Netanyahu Resorts to Accusations of Treason—Again.”  Here are some excerpts:

“As Election Day nears and the criticism of him mounts, Benjamin Netanyahu is returning to the troubling and threatening patterns of behavior that characterized him during his early years in politics and his first term as prime minister. Once again, he is spouting conspiracy theories and accusing his political rivals of treason.” “His response returned him to the days when he stood on a balcony in Jerusalem’s Zion Square as the streets below seethed with murderous incitement against then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The victim of his incitement this time was Tzipi Livni, whom Netanyahu accused of being “a danger to the country” …From there, he went on to claim that Livni and her colleague at the head of the Zionist Union ticket, Isaac Herzog, seek to establish a Hamas-run state in the West Bank…Netanyahu’s lies, twisted and worrying though they be, pale beside his depiction of the leaders of a rival party as abettors of terror and dangerous to the country.”

“Netanyahu can’t offer a straight response to substantive criticism of his performance, so he responds to it instead by denying the legitimacy of the people running against him. Such behavior is characteristic of a leader who specializes in incitement, and is liable to lead to another political assassination. It provides yet another answer to the question of why Israel’s government must be replaced.”

However, the New York Times evidently is not a bit worried about the future of Israel.  Yesterday’s lead story on Israel, by the ever-predictable Isabel Kershner, is titled: “As Vote Nears, a Not-So-Serious Battle for ‘Likes.’”  The story begins:

“With a month to go before Israel’s elections on March 17, the race has turned into a context of cheeky online videos.”

The rest of the  story describes the dueling and mostly cutesy campaign slogans, videos, and social media postings of the contending candidates.

To be sure, the last paragraph of the story does quote Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s criticism of the campaign for not addressing the serious issues.  But that hardly makes up for the preceding light-hearted  tone and trivializing of the issues of the long piece.

This piece first appeared yesterday on Slater’s site, with the headline “Haaretz vs. the New York Times, Chapter 19,243”

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All to the good. Let us imagine some fireball does assassinate one or both of those leaders. Then the attention of the world will focus on Netanyahu and the Israeli system. Notice: no arrest and prosecution for “incitement” of Netanyahu. Not yet. After all, the police etc, all work for him and his present ministers.

BTW, isn’t this what Giuliani was doing w.r.t. Obama recently? Obama, he said, doesn’t love America the way he does. Is Giuliani accusing Obama of treason? Maybe not quite. But what will the right-wing crazies on Fox News do next, with this?

“From there, he went on to claim that Livni and her colleague at the head of the Zionist Union ticket, Isaac Herzog, seek to establish a Hamas-run state in the West Bank”

The psychosis runs deep in that man.

Netanyahu and Co. have lost it, their US minons have also lost it…..accusing US legistators of being traitors to Israel?…gawd…gets more orwellian every day.

And they keep upping the anty against Obama. Are they trying to inspire an assassination of Obama also–as the zionist nut case of the Atlanta Jewish Journal suggested a few years ago?

Ex-envoy to US: White House boycott of AIPAC tantamount to boycott of alliance with Israel


“Former ambassador to the US Michael Oren addressed on Saturday media reports that the White House may boycott the upcoming AIPAC conference in an attempt to undermine Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congress address, calling AIPAC a “strategic asset” to the State of Israel whose status “must not be harmed.” “Should the American government choose to boycott AIPAC,” Oren said, “it will essentially choose to boycott its strategic alliance with Israel.””

The way I see Obama has two choices right now………..give in to the lobby and Israel or kick their asses to the curb.
He should deploy and plant even more damaging info on Israeli betrayal and damage to the US—-make it explosive info the media cant resist even if they have the zios come on to scream anti semitism and deny it……there’s plenty of it to release that would infuriate americans.
Wouldnt hurt either for some zionist agent names to be dropped in these leaks.

Call him and tell him to go for it—–202-456-1111

Is there no end to Netanyahu’s hubristic delusions? An inciter, and an egomaniacal and inveterate liar.

“8:28 P.M. Likud video compares Netanyahu to Ben-Gurion: If Ben-Gurion listened to U.S. State Department, would we be here today?

A new video released by Likud saturday evening compares present-day Israel to 1948, drawing parallels to Netanyahu’s Congress speech and the U.S. State Department’s opposition to Israel’s 1948 declaration of independence.

Opening to a background of warlike music, in stark black-and-white images, the text reads “In 1948, Ben-Gurion stood before a fateful decision: The creation of the State of Israel.”

“The U.S. secretary of state firmly objected. Ben-Gurion – contrary to the State Department’s position – announced the establishment of the state,” the ad continues. “Would we be here today had Ben-Gurion not done the right thing?”

The 30-second clip ends with the slogan “Only Likud. Only Netanyahu.””


As if it’s all worked out so well for Israel so far.

the New York Times evidently is not a bit worried about the future of Israel — me neither. Why worry whether Israel can or can not infect their own ass?

As Mondoweiss stated earlier: Let Netanyahu win! That will not reduce the level of abuse of Palestine & Palestinians, but it will shorten the time Palestinians are kept in this Guantanamo II.