P.E.P. Rally


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This is excellent, Katie! You nailed the syndrome!

Haha this is wonderful. I sincerely hope P.E.P. as a term catches on more. It’s sorely needed.

“Haha this is wonderful. I sincerely hope P.E.P. as a term catches on more. It’s sorely needed.”

Caution is warranted. People who fool around with P.E.P. pills with excuses like “it’s just to get through this election” may end up afflicted with acute Ziocaine Syndrome. That’s a bad condition.

Once again, I’ll have to say that it’s highly faulty to just assume that someone is on the side of right in general because they’re ‘progressive’, especially when it comes to the extremely socially ‘progressive’.

Palestine is an issue that ought to cross the divide when it comes to “progressives” and whoever’s termed “non-progressive”. It’s not a “leftist” issue, it’s a common-sense issue.

I mean, I’m basically almost as ‘bad’ as the GOP is when it comes to “LGBT” issues and things like abortion (barring the fact that I don’t subscribe to a particularly stupid form of Christianity, in the form of radical Evangelical Protestantism).

The point here is that I’m practically decidedly socially conservative when it comes to a number of issues that socially ‘progressive’ people consider to be important, and yet I’m very, very pro-Palestinian.

Why? Because I’ve read up on the situation, and the history of the ‘conflict’. I can see what the Israelis do to the Palestinians and have done to the Lebanese, and that’s enough for me.

Brilliant, Katie!!!

Absolutely brilliant.