Howard Stern says no one lived in Palestine before Jews got there, but Roger Waters wants them to go ‘back to concentration camp’

Roger Waters spoke out against Bon Jovi playing Tel Aviv. Howard Stern gave an ugly rant against Roger Waters on his Sirius radio show yesterday or the day before. Showing again that the charge of anti-semitism is a lot uglier than the speech that prompted it. If you read Waters’s original letter it’s about human suffering. But Palestinians still don’t count.

Here’s some of Stern’s commentary; an audio file is below.

Why does Roger Waters live in America, a country that was founded on white people coming in and obliterating the native population, how can he stand it? Why don’t we just  all leave?…

There are so many Arab countries and so much land around Israel, if you threw a pin in a pool, that’s what Israel is…

It was a shithole that nomads essentially would walk over. So they figured, where’s the one place they can stick Jews that no one would be offended…

And no one did live there, despite the bullshit…

It bugs the shit out of Roger Waters, he can’t fucking deal..

Where do you want the Jews to go, Roger, do you want them to go back to the concentration camp? What is it you want, fuckhead?..

Why is he so bugged about Israel? There are so many countries in this world..

There’s a lot of countries that were formed where originally there was someone else there. Alright, but now they’re there.

Jews go to the dark side of the moon and live, no one will complain.

Why don’t the surrounding Arab countries take in the Palestinians?

I don’t know what the bug is up his ass but he’s really got it in for Israel.

It seems to me it’s the only place in the Middle East that treats people halfway nicely.

I bet it’s a lot more fun living in Israel than under the Iran regime.

What’s with Roger and the Jews?

I believe Zionism is a dangerous ideology. It is widely accepted inside the Jewish community, it contains broad strands of bigotry, and it countenances violence. And inevitably that clash is going to come to the U.S.

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Whoever Howard stern may be, and I have no idea and don’t want to know, living in the same world with him makes me feel unsafe. I feel so unsafe. Can my feeling of unsafeness be used somehow to get him to shut up?

Many radical Zionists unapologetically acknowledge the atrocities committed by the Irgun, Stern gang and other terrorist founders of the Jewish state on the indigenous Palestinian population. Begin even bragged about massacres like Deir Yassin. Howard Stern only embarrasses himself with his tired, long disproven version of history.

Any ancestors in the Stern Gang Howard???

Another advocate of state terror cheers on the bloodshed…

Predictable and chilling example of stifling legitimate dissent.

Israel seems to attract the worst

I vividly remember Stern saying in the days after 9/11 saying that the US must go and “bomb somebody!”

Anybody, it didn’t matter who, just so long as they were Arab and/or Muslim.