
Netanyahu’s craziness is calculated, to drive out Palestinians

Although Uri Avnery has been a long-standing critic of Israel and has been one of the first to promote dialogue with the Palestinians, he is still a Zionist. Because of that I have a lot of reservations about the things he writes. His piece from the 30th of October, ‘Is the Israeli Prime Minister Insane? Adolf, Amin and Bibi’ is a good example of why I feel this way. It is a perfect illustration of how someone who can be such a clear thinker in some ways, is also so blinkered by his innate and almost unconscious support of Zionism. This tendency to be so blinkered and so unconsciously so, serves to support the smokescreen that surrounds Zionism and its real purpose. It indirectly helps Israel and Zionism by distancing us from the real conversation we are supposed to have about Israel and Palestine, namely a conversation about settler-colonialism and its effects on the colonised. 

Of course Netanyahu has a personality disorder (as a psychotherapist I can see all the signs of it), but insane in the way that Avnery means, he is not! Netanyahu’s policies have been 100% consistent with Israel’s goal of taking all the land without the people. To complete the Zionist project of creating an exclusively Jewish safe haven for all Jews in the land of Palestine, Jews will need to be an absolute majority in Israel-Palestine. A few Palestinians can probably be allowed to remain but with all the spirit of resistance knocked out of them, so they are no longer a ‘problem’ for Israel. Israel has good role models of ’successful’ settler-colonial projects in the US and Australia, countries that are also staunch and fanatic supporters of Israel. Netanyahu can see that it worked there. They got away with it, so why not in Israel?

Everything Netanyahu has ever done has been designed to advance Israel towards this ultimate goal. Notice that Netanyahu’s statement about how the Mufti of Jerusalem gave Hitler the idea for the extermination of the Jews came a short time after relaxing the gun laws in Israel. I do not think that these two facts are unconnected. Frankly I am amazed by how effective the smokescreen is. So effective, that no one sees what he is doing, and in the meantime the project is reaching a slow and horrific crescendo right under everyone’s noses, and with full complicity of the world’s community. 

Netanyahu has been watching Israeli state policies fail at driving out the majority of the Palestinians. So he is now busying himself recruiting an informal army in Israel to assist the official military, law-enforcement and security forces, an army made out of lynching mobs. He gives ordinary people the firearms and then the ideology that says that the Palestinians are responsible for the extermination of the Jews. Now, his logic goes, it is justified to do the same to them. Even non-psychopaths can be recruited to kill under this kind of ideology simply because the Holocaust is such a sensitive issue in Israel, and since every Jewish citizen is thoroughly, profoundly and emotively indoctrinated on Holocaust history.

People have been emphasizing the criticism from within Israel of Netanyahu’s comment, but the right kind of people on the streets of Israel and the colonies in the Occupied West Bank will believe what he said. This is all they need in order to go completely wild. It’s when governments condone extremism and mob mentality, and when they provide fuel to already escalating extremist fire, that we really need to start worrying.

It’s been happening in the colonies anyway, where colonists have for a very long time been getting away with doing whatever they wish to the Palestinians, under military protection and immunity from prosecution. Now Netanyahu is attempting to widen the extremism we see in the colonies into Israeli cities, right into the heart of Tel Aviv. This is his attempt to unite a country that has been a bit split between the cities, where ‘ordinary’ Israelis are often seen as ‘latte-sipping, apathetic, non-patriotic Lefties’ who are critical of the colonies, and those in the colonies in the Occupied West Bank. Netanyahu knows that if Israel is to complete its project, all Israelis have to be on board, or at least that the chasm between the colonies and the cities has to be somehow closed.

Netanyahu is in the process of mobilising and radicalising the entire society in Israel to escalate the murder of the Palestinians in order to push the Palestinians to leave once and for all. You don’t need everyone to go berserk, only enough to instil such fear that will lead to masses of people fleeing. Where they will go, Israel does not care. They didn’t care in 1948 or 1967, and they don’t care now. They just want them out. We are witnessing a repetition of the policies of 1948 and 1967 where Palestinians were driven out by every means possible calculated to spread panic.

There is no reason for the latest escalation we see, except Israel’s impatience that the Palestinians are still there and are still resisting. Israel was hoping a war with Iran would create a smokescreen for the final solution to the ‘Palestinian problem’. If this isn’t going to happen, they will do it anyway. The world has already proven repeatedly that Israel can get away with anything, and Israel is counting on it. By the time everyone wakes up from their stupor, it’ll be too late. Just as it was in 1948 and then in 1967. But who will care about the Palestinians then? They will just become another ‘refugee problem’, numbers, a burden, a problem that requires ‘border protection’, as the poor refugees from Syria are now finding out. 

Why people don’t see this and prefer to just dismiss Netanyahu as ‘insane’ is beyond me. These are very dangerous times, and he is laughing all the way to ‘all the land without the people’. He thinks everyone else is stupid, and frankly, it appears we are.

Yes, this is insane of course. Settler-colonialism is fundamentally insane and psychopathic. Only compassion and cooperation between people are truly sane. But settler-colonialism is what Israel is about, and Netanyahu is a great facilitator of that. He will preside over the completion of this project unless someone stops Israel before it’s too late.

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RE: “Netanyahu has been watching Israeli state policies fail at driving out the majority of the Palestinians. So he is now busying himself recruiting an informal army in Israel to assist the official military, law-enforcement and security forces, an army made out of lynching mobs. He gives ordinary people the firearms and then the ideology that says that the Palestinians are responsible for the extermination of the Jews.” ~ Avigail Abarbanel

MY COMMENT: Netanyahu’s Blackshirts (i.e., squadristi)! ! !

To some of us , this is not a revelation.I have been saying , that every attack on homes, olive trees, protests meetings , and the long list of extra judicial killings is part and parcel of the same plan to get Palestinians to resist , either violently (the preferred outcome) or non violently , so Israel can maintain the myth of eternal victim hood , under which they can build more illegal , “Jews only ” squats and continue the crimes mentioned above as the juggernaut of ethnic cleansing rolls on.

That has been , is and will continue to be the zionist plan until someone steps in and forces Israel to end it,s decades long criminal actions.

Will EU officials tire of being given the finger by people like Michael Oren who has the audacity to tell Israelis to boycott EU products while mouthing accusations of antisemitism against anyone who supports labeling illegal products from the occupied territories that make their way to the shelves of EU shops .

Will they have the courage to tell Israel that enough is enough and cut off trade agreements with Israel and tell EU importers to cut their ties with Israel.e.Will they show Israel that they need the EU (450 million people) far more than the EU needs a market of 7.5 million .

That Netanyahu thinks he can achieve his fascist goals tells me he is disconnected from reality. Will he be judged as crazy in the long run.Who knows.Maybe we will see the addition of a new word/term to the English language .

RE: “Of course Netanyahu has a personality disorder (as a psychotherapist I can see all the signs of it)” ~ Avigail Abarbanel

SEE: “A Boy Called Bibi ~ Netanyahu on the Couch”, by Uri Avnery,, May 1-3, 2015

[EXCERPTS] . . . If it is true that the character of a person is shaped by his early childhood, we must examine the background of Netanyahu in order to understand him.

He grew up in the shadow of a strong father. Benzion Millikowsky, who changed his foreign name to the Hebrew Netanyahu, was a very dominant and very unhappy person. Born in Warsaw, then a provincial town in the Russian Empire, he immigrated to Palestine as a young man, studied history at the new Hebrew University in Jerusalem and expected to become a professor there. He was not accepted.

Benzion was the son of an early adherent of Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, the extreme rightist Zionist leader. He inherited from his father a very extremist outlook, and passed it on to his three sons. . .

. . . Benzion’s rejection by the prestigious young Hebrew University turned him into a bitter man, a bitterness that lasted until his death in 2012, at age 102. He was sure that this rejection had nothing to do with his academic qualification, and everything with his ultra-nationalist opinions.

His extreme Zionism did not stop him leaving Palestine and seeking his academic luck in the United States, where a second-rate university gave him a professorship. His life’s work as a historian concerned the fate of the Jews in medieval Christian Spain – the expulsion and inquisition. It engendered in him a very dark world view: the conviction that Jews will always be persecuted, that all Goyim (non-Jews) hate the Jews, that a straight line connects the auto-da-fé of the Spanish inquisition with the Nazi Holocaust. . .

. . . Benzion Netanyahu was not only a very bitter person, who accused the Zionist and Israeli academic establishment of failing to recognize his academic stature. He was also a very autocratic family man.

The three Netanyahu boys lived in constant awe of Father. They were not allowed to make any noise at home while the Great Man worked in his closed study. They were not allowed to bring other boys home. Their mother was completely devoted to her husband and served him in every way, sacrificing her own personality. . .

. . . So who is this Netanyahu? Contrary to popular opinion, he is a man of very strong beliefs – the beliefs of his far-right father. The entire world is out to kill us at all times, we need a powerful state to defend ourselves, all of the land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan has been given us by God (whether he exists or not). Everything else is lies, subterfuges, tactics.

When, in a famous speech at Bar-Ilan university near Tel Aviv, Netanyahu embraced the principle of “Two States for Two Peoples”, those who knew him could only smile. It was as if he had recommended the eating of pork on Yom Kippur.

He dangled this statement before the eyes of the naive Americans and let his Justice Minister, Tzipi Livni, lead endless negotiations with the Palestinians, whom he despises. Whenever it seemed that the negotiations were nearing some goal, he quickly put up another condition, such us the ridiculous demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People. He would not dream, of course, of recognizing the Palestinian territories as the Nation State of the Palestinian People – a people he does not really believe exists at all.

On the eve of the last election, just now, Netanyahu announced that there would not be a Palestinian state as long as he was in power. When the Americans remonstrated, he repudiated himself. Why not? As his Likud predecessor, Yitzhak Shamir, famously said, “It is permitted to lie for the Fatherland.”

Netanyahu will lie, cheat, repudiate himself, raise false flags – all for the purpose of achieving his one and only real goal, the Rock of our Existence (as he loves to say), the heritage of his father – the Jewish State from the sea to the river. . .


It is of course the grand Zionist plan to get rid of Palestians while leaving a small fraction, as long as they do not jeopardize the Jewish demographic state.

The question is why isn’t Israel executing the Final Solutioin and instead preferring the slow strangulation method? After all, the Arabs and Palestinians are weaker than ever, divided. Egypt is ruled by a collaborator who will not say a word, the last vestiges of Arab resistance have been eliminated, Congress is owned lock stock and barrel and will send their blessings and armaments, and the right political climate exists inside Israel.

Of course, there are several reasons for that, and you are free to speculate. I’ll just mention a few: Jordan being a US client state; lack of a catalyst; and media coverage that did not exist 70 years ago, and of course Palestinian Sumud, which cannot be underestimated – they will not run away this time and will leave Israel the only choice of committing genocide to achieve its goals. So for the time being, strangulation it is.

Netanyahu is escalating the hatred, step by step, and almost certainly hoping that it will reach the right pitch to complete the takeover of Palestine – with a final expulsion, accompanied by more massacres – for the Balfour centenary in 2017. The ’67 6 day “war” marked the year of the 50th anniversary. What more could a psychopathic megalomaniac wish for?