
You know your country’s in trouble when you’re afraid to put on a bumper sticker

Larry Derfner is a brave man who broke with liberal Zionism, and has just published a memoir entitled “No Country for Jewish Liberals. His book traces his youth in Los Angeles to his eventual move to Israel, where he lives and works as a prominent journalist — most recently at Haaretz.  Derfner lately appeared on a video discussion at Facebook and on the New York Times op-ed page, “Israel’s Next War Is Always ‘Inevitable'”. Here in an excerpt from chapter 12 of his book, (reprinted with permission of Just World Books). Derfner is a skilled reporter and writer, with an eye for the telling detail. Watch how he starts off by using the history of bumper stickers in Israel to illustrate a much larger point.

If there’s one image from Israeli life that illustrates the national mentality in this decade, it’s the sight of cars backed up in front of you on the highway, and as far and wide as you search, you probably won’t find a single political bumper sticker. No slogans, no parties, no movements. You see quite a few true-believing Orthodox Jewish stickers —“We have no one to depend on except the Blessed Holy One” is a favorite — but aside from them, virtually the only stickers on Israeli bumpers in the 2010’s are commercial advertisements, with “How am I driving?” easily being number one.

This marks a radical change from decades past, when it seemed every newly arrived foreign correspondent from a major newspaper wrote about the vehement political debate going on between Israeli cars on the road, which was seen as a perfect illustration of the passion Israelis brought to political life. In 2004, novelist David Grossman wrote the lyrics of a famous song — “The Sticker Song,” which strung together 54 Israeli bumper-sticker slogans, most of them political —“A whole generation demands peace,” “Let the IDF win,” “The nation is with the Golan,” “Yes to peace, no to violence,” “Shalom, haver,” “It’s all because of you, haver,” “Hebron, always and forever,” and so on. That was in 2004. Except for the few old leftover stickers that haven’t been peeled off, they’re all gone and no new ones have taken their place.

I can’t think of the last political sticker that caught on with Israelis, not on the right or the left. I always used to have a left-wing sticker on my car; it was a matter of principle. But that was in decades past. The last one I can remember putting on my car was “When it’s all shit, evacuate” for disengagement in 2005. Which one would I put on today? Peace Now? Is Peace Now doing something; are there any demonstrations? (This is another conspicuous absence that tells so much about contemporary Israel.) Should I put up another Meretz sticker? Meretz still says all the right things; it’s still a brave, honorable party, but it has no impact anymore. Yet there’s another reason why leftists like me haven’t put political stickers on our cars in recent years: We’re afraid. Afraid they’ll just be torn off, one after another, which is kind of humiliating, as I described earlier — but also that our cars could get vandalized if we parked in the wrong place, such as Jerusalem (never mind a West Bank settlement). In the late 1990’s, I was stopped at a light in Jerusalem with a Peace Now sticker on my rear bumper, and the car sitting in back bumped me—not hard enough to cause a dent, but enough to show the driver’s mind was somewhere else. I turned around and glared at him, then turned back around. A few seconds later, he bumped me again. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw a young man in the driver’s seat staring at me grimly. The light turned green and I drove off. The only explanation I have is my Peace Now sticker that was staring at him.

Nowadays, I think displaying left-wing sentiments would be more dangerous than in decades past. Right-wing marauders in Jerusalem and other cities used to be accustomed to the sight of peacenik bumper stickers—they were all over the place—but the new generation grew up without them, and if they suddenly started seeing cars sporting left-wing or antiwar stickers, or, God forbid, ones for the despised New Israel Fund, B’Tselem, or Breaking the Silence, I think they’d go wild.

“No Country for Jewish Liberals” by Larry Derfner. (Image: Just World Books)

And just as the left’s hopelessness and timidity explain the absence of left-wing bumper stickers, the right’s awareness of the left’s lack of spirit explains the absence of right-wing bumper stickers: They don’t need them anymore. They’ve won. They don’t need to get in the left’s face any longer—the left has backed down. Is the “national camp” in danger of being overthrown by the “peace camp”? Is there any threat to the settlements? Is there a Palestinian state looming on the horizon? In this second age of Netanyahu, and starting even a couple of years before, an Israeli putting a right-wing bumper sticker on his car would just be bursting through an open door.

We are in a post-political era in this country. The central, over-riding political fact of national life, the occupation, is no longer a subject for discussion. As far as the public and the major parties are concerned, it’s settled (in more ways than one). The January 2013 campaign, the first of the decade, was also the first in which the question of the occupied territories, and of war and peace in general, was not disputed between the large parties. The Likud’s prescription—more of the same—went unchallenged as the Labor Party, for the first time, dropped the whole matter and concentrated strictly on economic issues. Meanwhile, the star of that election, media personality Yair Lapid, head of the new Yesh Atid (There Is a Future) party, turned indifference to the occupation into an art. Campaigning against corruption, the high cost of living, and the economic, military, and religious burden of the ultra-Orthodox, Yesh Atid won enough votes to become the second-largest party in the country behind Likud.

This indifference carried on later in the year when John Kerry started up a new peace process. Everybody but Kerry knew it was going nowhere. After nine months, the Netanyahu government, which had shown its attitude to the negotiations by announcing one new settlement project after another, reneged on its commitment to release the last set of long-serving Palestinian prisoners, and that was that—“poof,” as Kerry would haplessly put it.

The 2015 election campaign matched the pattern of contemporary Israeli political life. The only change is in the hardening of the status quo: The country gets more paranoid, more racist, more aggressive. Netanyahu’s Election Day appeal to right-wing voters that “the Arabs are heading to the polls in droves, the left-wing NGOs are bussing them in” has become notorious, but it was only the culmination of an already vicious campaign, the worst he’d ever run, which is saying a lot.

For decades he had been accusing his centrist rivals of being “leftists,” but this time he charged Isaac Herzog, Tzipi Livni, and their Zionist Union list with being “anti-Zionists,” which, in the Israeli political vocabulary, is worse than being leftists. A leftist may be merely naïve, a bleeding heart, someone who speaks up for the Arabs out of that old, unkillable Jewish guilt—but an anti-Zionist is a declared hater and enemy of the State of Israel, an anti-Semite. Netanyahu accused Israel’s friendliest Arab, sportscaster and inter-communal peacemaker Zohair Bahloul, the only Arab high enough on Zionist Union’s ticket to be electable, of “giving character testimony in praise of Hezbollah”—which, as Bahloul’s testimony from the trial in question showed, was the exact opposite of the truth. Netanyahu’s single deadliest campaign video, set to a sound track of Arabic rap music, showed a truck full of ISIS men asking an Israeli, “How do we get to Jerusalem, bro?” The Israeli replies, “Take a left,” and the ISIS team drives on with shouts of jubilation. Punctuated by the sound of gunshots, the words, “The left will surrender to terror,” appear on the screen in red letters with bullet holes.

And it worked. I spoke to voters in different mainstream right-wing strongholds, and while they all talked like civilized, friendly people, which you wouldn’t have guessed from the campaigns of the parties they supported, the sentiment I heard over and over, in one phrasing or another, was fear of the so-called left taking over. (And this when the “left-wing” opposition, for the second straight election, had airbrushed the occupation and the Palestinians out of their campaign, lined up behind Bibi on security, and focused strictly on domestic, chiefly economic, issues.) The remark that stood out for me came from a 24-year-old biotechnology student at Bar-Ilan University named Reuven Gersovitch. “God forbid Zionist Union wins,” he said, sitting at an outdoor campus café. “They live in a different world. They’re nice people, they’re good people, but their way of looking at things is just not suitable to where we live.”

Israelis were growing more and more complacent. The economy was good enough for most and great for many, we’d won the war in Gaza, there were no rockets flying our way, no terror to speak of from the West Bank, and the riots in East Jerusalem, which had been sparked by the burning alive of a 16-year-old Palestinian boy by local Jews, had pretty much faded. Between the wars, now falling every couple of years or so, Bibi was keeping us pretty safe and prosperous. For a Jewish state in the Middle East looking out for number one, this was the best of all possible worlds.

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I live in the USA. I get political bumper stickers sent to me from time to time, quite a few from organizations defending the Palestinian cause and/or questioning the US-Israel “special relationship,” including the comparatively lavish funding of Israel. I would not dare slap one on my car. Afraid my car would be vandalized while it was parked in a public parking lot. Anybody else?

Israel reminds me of Brexit in the UK. The right wing won . But it’s groupthink and the country is doomed unless it changes course.

As Unamuno said to the fascists: Venceréis pero no convenceréis / You’ll win but you won’t convince

Larry Derfner is a brave man who broke with liberal Zionism …

Actually, Derfner has has NOT broken with liberal Zionism; he criticizes the establishment version–often radically– but ultimately reaffirms its most fundamental tenets.

He supports the end of the Occupation and the continuation of Jewish statehood in Israel, and he reluctantly supports BDS as a means to those ends.

There is no ambiguity on this point: in his new book he describes himself as an “ultra-liberal Zionist”. (p.238)

And he writes:

I’ve learned a tremendous amount from the left. The exposure has moved me further in their direction, mainly in recognizing the justice of the Palestinians’ insistence on the right of return for refugees who were run out of the country in 1948.

But the recognition of that justice has not led me to accept the left-wing view that Zionism is racism or that the Jewish state must be dismantled and replaced with a non-sectarian, Western-style democracy. Given the political geography and history of the Middle East, I don’t see how Arabs and Jews will all serve together in the military and intelligence agencies of a country whose potential enemies are all Arab and Muslim states and militias–and if Jews and Arabs in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza can’t defend a state together, they cannot maintain one together. As far as I am concerned, the one-state idea for Israel-Palestine is the local equivalent of the idea of a one-world government: It sounds sublime, and if it were workable it would obviously be preferable to nationalism, Jewish or otherwise, but that is not how people live. If the left’s idea for Israel-Palestine were actually implemented, I believe it would lead to a civil war whose end would only come once most of the Jews or most of the Arabs were gone. So while I think the Palestinian refugees have the right to return, I also think the Jews of Israel have the right to live in a stable, secure country, and the only possible country of that kind, at least in the Holy Land, is one with a solid, lasting Jewish majority. So the Palestinian right of return and the Jewish right to security have to be balanced. As for feasibility, as unlikely as Israeli Jews are as to ever give up the occupation, they’ll come around to that a long time before they’ll give up the Jewish state. [p.238-39] [emphasis added]


RE: “The January 2013 campaign, the first of the decade, was also the first in which the question of the occupied territories, and of war and peace in general, was not disputed between the large parties.” ~ Derfner

“Israel’s Weird Elections”, by Uri Avnery, Counterpunch, 1/04/13:

[EXCERPTS] . . . The Israeli media are already to a large extent neutralized, a creeping process not unsimilar to what the Germans used to call Gleichschaltung. [SEE: Gleichschaltung @- Wikipedia – J.L.D. ]

All three TV channels are more or less bankrupt and dependent on government handouts. Their editors are practically government appointees. The printed press is also teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, except the largest “news” paper, which belongs to Sheldon Adelson and is a Netanyahu propaganda sheet, distributed gratis. [Naftali] Bennett repeats the ridiculous assertion that almost all journalists are left-wingers (meaning traitors.) He promises to put an end to this intolerable situation. . .

. . . In the coming four years, the official annexation of the West Bank to Israel may become a fact. . .

. . . If the government continues on its present course, this will lead to certain disaster – the entire country between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River will become one unit under Israeli rule. This Greater Israel will contain an Arab majority and a shrinking Jewish minority, turning it inevitably into an apartheid state, plagued by a permanent civil war and shunned by the world.

If pressure from without and within eventually compels the government to grant civil rights to the Arab majority, the country will turn into an Arab state. 134 years of Zionist endeavor will come to naught, a repetition of the Crusaders’ kingdom.

This is so obvious, so inevitable, that one needs an iron will not to think about it. It seems that all major parties in these elections have this will. Speaking about peace, they believe, is poison. Giving back the West Bank and East Jerusalem for peace? God forbid even thinking about it.

The weird fact is that this week two respected polls – independent of each other – came to the same conclusion: the great majority of Israeli voters favors the “two-state solution”, the creation of a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders and the partition of Jerusalem. This majority includes the majority of Likud voters, and even about half of Bennett’s adherents.

How come? The explanation lies in the next question: How many voters believe that this solution is possible? The answer: almost nobody. Over dozens of years, Israelis have been brainwashed into believing that “the Arabs” don’t want peace. If they say they do, they are lying.

If peace is impossible, why think about it? Why even mention it in the election campaign? Why not go back 44 years to Golda Meir’s days and pretend that the Palestinians don’t exist? (“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people…It is not as though there was a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away. They did not exist.” – Golda Meir, June 13, 1969) . . .

ENTIRE COMMENTARY – http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/01/04/israels-weird-elections/

“So it will be easy to find you when and if I visit Ireland”

May I suggest that you try to fit in a visit to the Shankill Road or Loyalist East Belfast. Best of all go to Belfast during the “marching season” and take in the glory and splendours of an Orange Order Parade and “traditional” bonfire. You will really appreciate it and will feel really at home witnessing their shenanigans = the closest thing to ugly racist Zionism and Zionist thuggery in Europe. True kindred spirits to the Chosen People in Zioland.