Media Analysis

Remembering Joel Kovel, a restless explorer

Joel Kovel died on April 30. He was a dear friend of this site and an inspiration for me and others, as a restless seeker after uncomfortable truth.

Joel lived 81 years and it is hard to imagine a life of greater breadth and freedom. His brilliance gave him a passport to several professions and worlds. He was a doctor, a psychiatrist, an environmentalist, a political activist who ran for Senate and even president (Ralph Nader stomped him in the Greens), a professor at Bard, and also a visionary. He wrote several vital books, including groundbreaking works on white racism, the human spirit, and socialism as the answer to climate change.

His brilliant mind gained him employment at prestige institutions; and his big soul ended that employment. Joel always wound up challenging institutional terms. He hated neoliberalism, materialism, and status-grubbing. It was inevitable that he would bomb out of Bard, where he taught for many years. He was too radical and independent for conventional liberal life. He was enraged by the massacre at Waco under Clinton. He was an outspoken anti-Zionist.

Joel Kovel and his wife DeeDee Halleck

It was through anti-Zionism that Joel and I became friends. He was born into the myths of Israel and the Jewish people, and accepted them up through the ’67 War. But when Israel triumphed so easily after all the talk that he’d believed about being pushed into the sea, he realized he’d been manipulated. He was held back for a time by his own mother’s attachment to Israel, but in 2007 he published an important book, Overcoming Zionism, which described the awful psychic claims that Zionism was making on Jews. The book brought him into inevitable conflict with Leon Botstein, the president of Bard who had recruited him in the first place, and before long he was cleaning out his office.

A year ago Joel published a memoir, The Lost Traveller’s Dream, that was explicit about the role of pro-Israel donors and advocates in academia and policy-making. He loved uncomfortable truths and that memoir is filled with them. The title is from William Blake. Joel had a highly-developed religious/mystical side. He experienced a religious epiphany in a church in college, and late in life he became involved with St. Mary’s Church in Manhattan (where the first of what I expect will be several memorials is to be held on Saturday). He was baptized as a Christian a few years back, and I was so intrigued by his conversion that I published a long interview with him in 2012 (part 1, and part 2).

A lot of that interview involved the claims of Jewish life that Kovel found obnoxious: clannish and selfish actions that motivated him to follow Jesus. There were mean incidents in his family, and there was Zionism as a miasma and ongoing disaster, blinding the Jewish community to apartheid and massacres. He rebelled against the soulless pride of neoconservatism and the new Jewish establishment. He was a leader in these investigations; he granted me greater freedom to say what I saw about my community.

Joel’s ultimate endeavors seem to me to be spiritual ones. He was not afraid to be lost. He was always trying to learn how to carry his anger and intellect in the world, how to work against capitalism and injustice without losing his sense of reality, how to maintain simple human connections in the face of the structures that break them down. He’s left us many gifts, chiefly his values of exploration and humility.

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Mr. Kovel sounds like an interesting man and a decent human being. Your words seem a fitting tribute to him.

Phil and Joel prove that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

A lovely tribute. Its a pity he wont be around for the Götterdämmerung of neoliberalism. Everything will be up for discussion.

It’s interesting to see how what was virtually unspeakable in 2007-criticism of Zionism- has now become mainstream. In 2007 the bots could defend Israel against the writings of Walt, Carter and Mearsheimer. Now apartheid is blatantly obvious. And Israel is far deeper into psychosis.

Mr Kovel wIll also miss that collapse. But he enlightened many who will be around to see it.

that was so beautiful phil. when i ran across a tweet a few days ago that joel had passed, i felt this pang of sadness because i really adored what i knew of him, his voice, thoughts, stream of thoughts, through your 2012 interviews with him about his conversion (i will fix/edit that year in your text). i just adored him and thought, what a terrific loss for his wife.

anyway, i read both the interviews slowly. then for some reason i read his wiki page, and was rather astounded there was no mention of his conversion, no mention of it at all or his spiritual path which seemed so vital to who he was and his whole outlook on life, and the times he spent in nicaragua and his long talks with his friend and guide Earl Kooperkamp.

anyway, i registered on wiki just to add that but not being techie enough and a tad bashful. but anyone reading this, if you know how to edit his page, i hope someone at least makes mention of his spirituality, because once you’re aware of it, it makes sense of everything about who he was.

thanks phil. beautiful.

A great and magnanimous Anglican! I wish the rest of our communion were not so cowardly and thoughtless on the Palestine question.