
Will Assange go the way of Ruby or Dreyfus?

I think Assange’s fear is justified. Raw Story:

Assange added that if the United States succeeded in getting him extradited from Britain or Sweden, then there was a “high chance” of him being killed “Jack Ruby-style” in an American prison.

Here’s another way of looking at Assange. I know I’m whacked, but if you think it through, the parallel works. Our official press would hang Assange in a NY second.

The Dreyfus appeal has gone through. How fortunate for France, that writers and academics can achieve such a reversal of public opinion. In Austria such a thing would never be possible, there’s far too much pressure on the press from ‘high places.’

Alma Mahler-Werfel’s Diaries. Sept. 28, 1898. The context: “In September 1898, Lucie Dreyfus again submitted a request for revision of her husband’s [four year old] case, which was accepted by the Court of Appeal.”

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