
Republican drumbeat begins: Obama will bring about ‘destruction’ of Israel

bachmanHere’s a petition from the out-of-control Minnesota congresswoman (thanks to Max Blumenthal). And the other night Michelle Bachmann was on CNN saying that Obama is sticking the knife into Israel. She is plainly doing this to raise money. Well that’s OK: There are more and more indications that the Israel/Palestine issue will be politicized in the next election, and Americans will begin to discuss the question.

The politicization is right now a split between the Democrats and the Republicans. Here are two angry quotes that Noam Sheizaf has picked up from Republican contributor Sheldon Adelson:

Any of the Republican hopefuls “are going to be 180 degrees” different from President Obama in terms of “what’s good for this country and for Israel,” Adelson said, adding that Obama is “the worst president” for Israel.

“All the steps he’s taken against the state of Israel are liable to bring about the destruction of the state,” he asserted.

Of course, this raises the question, of why Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee, is meeting with Adelson a week or so back during Netanyahu’s visit. Because many in the Democratic Party don’t want this issue politicized. They don’t want to be forced into an anti- position. They don’t want to criticize the occupation. This is actually where J Street will be useful (or not) politically.

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