
Tahrir tells Oakland– ‘Don’t afraid, go ahead’

Amazing pictures by Mohammed Maree (thanks to Raw Story) demonstrating the Melvillean principle: “genius all over the world stands hand in hand, and one shock of recognition runs the whole circle round”.



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Ive also seen solidarity calls from Ireland’s “occupation” and other places internationally.

Occupy the Globe

I wonder if any Palestinian-Americans are thinking of joining the OWS crowd with a sign or two from their own oppressed plight in OT? How quickly would Homeland Security be on them? I bet there is not a single American member of that agency with an Arab background, and for sure not in higher slots. No contracts with it either, I bet. I know there are many with US-Israeli background with contracts, or even just Israeli.

Seems around the world more and more everyday folks are joining spirit against rigged systems of government.

It may reach a time when grass roots Tea party (not astro turf) folks finally see that intrepid, boot-strap individualism with its personal accountability has been getting less and less opportunity under the rigged system, as clearly and graphically shown by CBO charts covering recent 30 year trend in income gap–1% slogan is backed up by that CBO report–somebody should tell Fox News & Fox Business News, eh? Redistribution of income from rich to poor is net nonexistent in context of redistribution of income from working stiffs to the wealthy (who also pay more proportionately for the poor’s safety net.

What a lesson in decency for every American!
The very same people that were sabotaged time and time again by the USA, and to a lesser extent by the rest of the “civilized world”, extend their sympathy to the American people instead of a well deserved F-U!

How can one still believe the Arabs are maniacs propaganda?!

these photos make me cry, it makes my heart burst.

Same problem. Different symptoms.