‘Peter Beinart’s offense against liberalism’ and the spiritual crisis Zionism has wrought

One could not ask for a more perfect museum quality specimen of the spiritual crisis and degradation that Zionism has wrought.  It is one thing for the Michael Walzer-Paul Berman-Alan Dershowitz school of masturbatory meditation on the “ethics” of war and occupation in the name of “liberalism” to be the basis of one’s politics. But for such political discourses to be the basis of a religious discourse is the moral monstrosity that has characterized most non-Orthodox Judaism for the last 70 years.  

It is worth noting that this particular rabbi has been one of the chief ideologues of Reform Zionism in the last generation and, in saying he is “worried about Reform rabbis and rabbinical students” makes a point of identifying himself with the protestations of Daniel Gordis. “What does it say about the future of liberalism,” the good rabbi asks “if in less than a decade Peter Beinart has gone from hawkish liberalism to calling for a boycott of Israelis?” What indeed.

The avalanche of neocon hysteria that has rained down against Beinart even before the official release date of his book is frightening and unprecedented. It is the living confirmation of what I was always told by my elders that the people Norman Podhoretz most wanted to see shackled in a gulag were his progressive Zionist former friends.  What was once said of the expelled American Communist leader Earl Browder can thus now be said of Peter Beinart – there, but for an accident of geography, stands a corpse!

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The rabbi inadvertently states the truth that Israel launched a pre-emptive strike in 1967 when four sentences before stated that it was attacked in a war of extermination by its Arab neighbors. Pre-emptive wars launched by Israel have worked well as it has added much valuable territory to its hegemonic quest to be a superpower in its neighborhood. However being an aggressor does not perpetuate the commonly repeated narrative of the small David battling the mighty Goliaths surrounding it.

It is always fascinating to read your posts, Jack.

When he comments (at about 4:45) about “the disease of assimilation”…wow. ..kind of leaves me (almost) speechless.

They just keep piling on Beinart merely for saying limited BDS is the way to go to save Israel from itself: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304459804577285882739791266.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEFTTopOpinion

Here’s another one: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/94872/peter-beinarts-false-prophecy/2/

And they never incorporate what US support for the occupation has done to America’s good standing in the world, and how it makes us vulnerable. Beiden & Petraeus & Freeman & Mitchell all said so, for example. Ron Paul points out the financial cost to our broke nation. None of that is even part of the conversation by all those Jewish Americans piling on Beinart merely because he was concerned about the long-term negative impact on Israel of following AIPAC’s status quo. We, non-Jewish Americans are just proverbial 98% chopped liver even though Israel can only do what it does with our support in blood and treasure and it’s been so for decades.

RE: “The avalanche of neocon hysteria that has rained down against Beinart even before the official release date of his book is frightening and unprecedented.” ~ Jack Ross

ALSO SEE – Dear liberal American Jews: Please don’t betray Israel, by Dahlia Scheindlin, +972 Magazine, 2/14/12:

(excerpts). . . After two weeks in America visiting family and friends, two observations struck me powerfully. First, the understanding that Israel is committing terrible deeds that are destroying itself and its neighbors, has penetrated among you…
…On this trip, I was stunned to learn that now you don’t even really want to visit Israel because you can’t face what you’re increasingly coming to see as a brutal occupying entity flirting with fascist notions. . .
…My second observation is that because of your fear – not of the goyim or the anti-Semites, but of yourselves! – you are keeping a low public profile. On this trip, I suddenly realized how naïve it was to imagine that J Street had sufficiently opened the door for anyone who cares critically for Israel to speak out. I underestimated how deep and terrible the intimidation has become and that one political lobby group is far from enough.
I do understand: those of you who still call the Jewish community home, are afraid of the onslaught that you will receive from your (our) very own people.
I hold no illusions about how vicious the attacks might be. We Jews, not the goyim, will call you the most painful names, will threaten in various ways to label you as beyond the pale of your people, should you voice your critique.
You might be chastised in your professional community. You will be hit not only by shadowy bloggers but by the very cherished and established groups you have loyally, even automatically, supported over the years. The anger might come from your friends and it might even come from your family…
. . . Here’s how that made me feel: abandoned, by the liberal Jews of America. You were swept away by Ruth Wisse’s thesis that liberals betrayed the Jewish cause by believing too much in rational universalism [e.g. universal human rights] and failing to acknowledge the unique, everlasting threat of anti-Semitism…

ENTIRE ARTICLE – http://972mag.com/dear-liberal-american-jews-please-dont-betray-israel/35396/

Rabbi: “Israel fortifies the American Jews with the vitamin of Jewish collective meaning… and purpose… and history… and destiny.”

And as Zionism becomes more desperate, rabbis are going to echo this desperation through their sermon. His message, about Israel being even ‘more’ democratic than America was laughable and sounds like the words of a politician than a holy man. The tide is rising for these message makers, and they’re becoming trapped by the failing state of Israel, as is their congregation.